To futile aspirations: a love letter

Jul 23, 2011 12:01

Funny thing. Woke up really early this morning, in Ruby time, which is to say not so early by the standards of the rest of the world except that it's a Saturday and hence still all around surprising. I woke up about 6:30 but thought that it was much too early and therefore went back to sleep and didn't wake up again until just shortly before 11. So there goes most of my morning.

On the agenda for today and this weekend in general:

--take a shower.
--put away laundry: a must.
--think of what to do about lunch (everything's frozen except for what isn't).
--also figure out about dinner.
--root around the house, find all the books I've still yet to read and compile a list; been neglecting my reading for way too long now.
--on that note, read The Wedding so that it can be returned to the library.
--while there, pick up next book club selection, something about a terrorist? Not really sure, but I managed to request it on time for once... Sort of. (Providing I pick it up today, I'll have nine days instead of seven to get through it before the meeting.)
--get a haircut: maybe. I'm sort of thinking that as I'm going to do it, I might as well get it over with, but I'm feeling a little shy about the change and I still dislike going to the salon.
--start sketches for various deviantArt projects: not likely to happen.
--gather all wayward bits and pieces of the Grand Project, compile, condense, continue on with the futility.
--review fifth (are we on the fifth now?) chapter of Smitten.
--eat chocolate covered strawberries; picked these up in Santa Cruz last weekend, hoping they're still good, only one way to find out...
--and while we're at, get in a run this evening, dust the cobwebs from my creaking bones and atrophied muscles.

Good list. Now if I can only get up off the couch, I'd totally be golden.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

via ljapp, daily goals

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