Jan 08, 2007 22:50
so, about an hour ago i got out of surgery, and im all bucked up on morphine. in the long run, i feel like shit. i have more stitches then i could begin to count on not only my fingers and toes but all of my friends as well. my body looks like a land mine field and ive puked more times than my mother has had lipo-suction. i hate fucking hospitals. i hate hate hate them.
worst fucking vacation ever. the second i get home, i get rushed to the er. fucking sweet. so, once the marlboro er accidentadly dismisses me, almost killing me in the process, i get automatically rushed to the second hospital, this time, in boston. and then im told that i have a diseases so contageous that i cant even see my family. every time a person walks into my room they have to dress themselves up in what looks like a space suit, a face mask, gloves, and booties. what a fucking life ive been reduced to. aside from that excellent predicement im not allowed to leave my room. keep in mind, theres no opening window in my room. im not even allowed to wonder the halls. i havent had a breath of fresh air in faaaar to long. i need to fucking breathe. i could kill anyone at this point.
so...im not allowed to leave my room, see people, or do basically anything for myself...annnnnd im in the worst fucking pain ive ever been in in my entire life.
plus sides to this little situation...morphine, morphine, and more fucking morphine.