Dec 15, 2005 09:46
Well, the day when my Wildean wit and charm have failed to save my ass from ultimate failure has ARRIVED. The professor from my Communications class said that while I'm an intelligent girl I'm irresponsible (look at that!); I had too many absences... oops! Well, too bad.
ANYWAY! I had my FINAL final today... unfortunately I barely studied because I stayed watching Goodfellas last night; and then I dreamt about Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci ("Whydaya thank I'm funny?"). That movie kills.
This is my last entry... at least for a while. I'm going to be computerless for the break. Hey! Next time I'll post, I'll be in San Germán! This is both exciting and nervewrecking at the same time. It's kinda sad I have nothing spectacular to report on this, my last day in this campus. I can't believe I'm about to live with three strangers and get lost countless times, starting fresh. I don't know... wish me luck, please!