Feb 12, 2005 11:43
Hey everyone,
How is everyone doing? I miss you all. I miss wings, I miss shows, I miss playing shows, I miss watching movies, I miss playing FRIENDS the trivia game, I miss DoD. But I dont miss the traffic. That shit was gay.
You would be happy with the setup that could actually take place with the house that we are moving into on Tuesday. Downstairs (as in the basement level) theres this huge room. Probably like the size of 1.5 of the practice space. Carpet, window to look up into the backyard, etc. quite a few outlets and a phone jack. So I have my cab and guitar down there, waiting for a head... :o( (which I did get a contact number over here to get one). If that sketchy dude Ted ever contacts me back, and gets his drums down there, and JAXON you get some decent size speak with a mic. it would be an awesome size jam space. im thinking about getting all that recording shit for my computer, which im putting down there. then i will just dec it out with my snowboards, and posters of friday the13th and jennifer love hewitt. *Now the gay part* When im thinking about all the shit i could put in the room and what could actually take place in the room if people were down and motivated, i think of how it wont be the same without you. throwin golf clubs, filling up stupid large cups of piss and having to grab another cuz you filled the other one up already, the times of you and me just going down to the space anytime of the day/night and just writing, or playing really old songs. us putting together songs, picturing how it would be with drums bass and lyrics and then whenever we got the rest of the guys in there, ron making it 3 times better than what we thought. now im thinking of when i was in town visiting and that fat bitch cuz me off in my moms car so i followed her and called her a fat stupid bitch or something and she had a look on her face like she was about to go hang herself. anyways, you get the point. get the fuck out here and drink some german beer with me.
Matt - If you ever get this. Thanks a lot for that poker set. Its a shame that we never used it together up in tucson but just to let you know, i probably played over 20 games with that over my leave. And the last game i played before i packed it up to mail it over here, i walked away with an extra $120.
(texas hold em for life). You should get online and get yourself a plane ticket as well with drew so we can sit at the table, and we can have ourselves a game cuz i havent found ANYONE out here that will either play at all or play for money. (fuckin bitches). Then, after the game, i will make myself a nice glass of rum and coke, drew can have his straight whiskey, Steph and John will pull out their schmirnoff ice, while you and Tim can drink orange juice (at the risk of getting a kidney stone) and we can play Catagories. Then we will defeat Mike Tysons punch out and Ninja Gaiden.
Hodge - I hope all is well for you. Hard to talk to you with out the AIM. But hopefully things are doing awesome for you. I wish I could sign on to DoD right now and hear you say "WHAT UP". I think of you as my little brother. Awesome guy. And have a stupid tolerance along with Killa for hot spicy foods. By the way, not excuses, when I come into town (whenever that may be) you WILL bring Satans Blood again!
Killa - Our metal talks and music conversations will rise again at the end of this month when I get my computer. It was great talking to you on AIM the other day (along with Dave). Oh, do you have the first 2 Korns, the first Limp Bizkit, and any the Rage against the machine with the fool burning himself? I feel like getting down and dirty with Nu-Metal and i figured you are the best one to hit it up with besides Leesa. If so, you should burn and mail! Along with the new Folsom cuz they apparently got too high and got lost to the mail box.
John - I havent found strip clubs yet, but i have passed by a lot of whore houses. (OMG J/K STEPH!!!!!!) Yall should come up with everyone. I will make you those Pina Coloda drinks which is actually not Pina Coloda at all but white russians with coke. Hope the work is doing well and how is Jeff doing? Bring him along as well. I miss his whitty sense of humor.
Tim - The other day on the bus, I was listening to Kill Switch and God Forbid. It made me think of Head Bangers Ball tour, when we were the tag team of choke outs and punches of bros that went after you. I hope things are good for you living with ragin Vinny. Any new tattoos? I have ideas coming from bina to complete my left "irish" 1/4 sleeve. I get to see Jaxon next week. We will give you a ring.
And once again, thanks for allowing us to play your Halloween show. One of the best presents ever!
All the girls - Come visit me and Bina. She really misses you all a lot! (so do i but you know how it goes).
Everyone - Coolest idea ever! Call up an airline let them know you got like fuckin 10-15 people wanting to fly out here and get some nice discounted rate and everyone come out at once. Like a family reunion. How sick would that shit be?