In Which People Write Me Fic, and I Rejoice

May 24, 2010 19:26

So I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with ficathons.  I usually need some sort of prompt to get me off my ass, and I always get really excited and prompts never get written, or the stuff I wrote never gets commented on by the person for whom I wrote it, and so I swear to just take my toys and go eat worms.  But I have recently entered two ficathons and (though my contributions have not always been commented upon by their recipients--ahem?!), I have received some lovely fic in exchange.  To wit:

for Remix--The Other Side of This Life (The Grass is Always Greener Remix) is like my SPN Sam/Jess
drabble 'the birthday of my life' drabble, but backwards and longer! by mimi (agent_orange)

for apocalyptothon --krilymcc  wrote me Conversations with Dead People (Veronica Mars), as a pinch-hit, no less, in a fandom no one ever writes any more and schizoauthoress  wrote Tasted of Desire (Firefly/Serenity), which takes my love of secondary and obscure characters to an extreme.

I'm a little ambivalent about my own entries in these challenges--Civil Defense and Backstory, Or how Danny Concannon Covered 5 Stories that Never Happened were ok, but not great--so I made out like a bandit!

remix, fic

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