Offscreen Bandwagon

Nov 20, 2008 21:02

DOES MY CHARACTER DO ANYTHING WITH YOURS OFFSCREEN? WHY NOT? Comment here to see where our characters are crossing paths, and where they're meeting up offscreen.

Thor camps out in the woods when he bothers to sleep, which isn't often--he doesn't need much rest and tends to get most of it by catnapping here and there. Most of the time he's on patrol, just wandering around camp and out into the woods, looking for anything that might catch his interest--luckily for him Camp tends to provide. He trains by himself out near the Barrier, but returns to the Mess Hall and the Library when he's looking for company. Every so often he flies for a bit, but it's not his preferred method of transportation. Thor comes and goes at all hours of the day and night, but if there's a gathering somewhere he'll usually take at least a cursory look before moving on.

Ricochet lives in the Video-Rama's back room, previously alone but now with the recent addition of a kitten named Bailey. He keeps to a semi-nocturnal schedule these days, waking in the late morning and opening the 'Rama up for business around 11. In the late afternoon he closes shop, suits up, and goes on patrol, but always winds up at the Library around sunset. He'll do another, late-night patrol after that, and then head back to the 'Rama to sleep sometime before dawn. That's the structure of his normal day, but he'll often ignore any schedule and just wander around Camp to see what's going on where at odd hours.

The Spirit is in Boys' 19 as a counselor, but he doesn't do much but sleep there. More often he's at the Library, or exploring back tunnels around the Labs, or just observing the goings-on in Camp itself. Unlike Thor or Rico he doesn't really patrol so much as lurk, waiting for bits of interesting action to come to him. He doesn't much like the woods and so keeps more to the inhabited parts of Camp.
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