Dec 24, 2008 11:34
Since we're pretty securely into winter now, I thought it'd be a good time to look back at my goals for the fall and see how they turned out. So.......
1. See more of friends who I didn't see a lot in the last year. Saw a lot of my friends, though still not as much as I'd like. It's a gradual process.
2. Use new camping equipment at least once before it gets really cold. While we didn't end up using the tent, we did use the sleeping bags and pads, and they're insanely comfortable. Hooray for North Face!
3. Go on a few mid-distance bouldering trips (such as Coopers Rock or the Gunks). This would also be a good opportunity to fulfill item #2. Went on a few trips to Coopers, saw lots of pretty leaves.
4. Make 4 or 5 good batches of beer before it warms up again. Suggestions are welcome. So far I've only made the imperial milk stout. Planning to start another batch after winter break. Maybe something along the lines of a nut brown.
5. Stay injury-free for the bouldering competition season, and actually get to compete this year. Stayed injury free until I went out to Colorado the weekend before the first comp and hurt my knee a bit. I'd say it was a worthwhile injury though, and it's almost all healed. Despite the knee hurting, I competed in two of the five Friction Bouldering Series comps, and placed 8th out of 76 for the overall series in the advanced category.
6. Eat my weight in bacon at my sister's wedding reception next month. Ate a LOT of bacon. Then ate a whole bunch more during the week surrounding my birthday.
7. Try not to blow too much money on my first trip to Vegas. Came out ahead in 3 of the 4 blackjack games I played, and came out ahead for the weekend.
8. Remember to get my emissions tested on time. Yup.
9. Use the new deep frier to identify the perfect fried food. Sadly, we haven't had a chance to experiment yet.
10. Actually carpool with coworkers like we keep talking about. If I count driving one of 0v0's coworkers to work on Wednesdays, then yes.