MEME: List all your fics that have been titled after a song title or lyrics from a song.

Feb 25, 2012 14:34

This is a meme I can do! Snagged from sapphire-child

No Matter How Your Heart is Grieving "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" - from Cinderella

Reprieve (Rest for the Wicked) - I'm sure I got this from a Spirit of the West Song, but for the life of me I can't remember which one.

Such Great Heights - from an awesome a cappella version of The Postal Service song

These Songs are True - "The Obvious Child" by Paul Simon

Morphée - Moxy Früvous

Wow! That's actually more than I thought! Years and years ago I wrote a General Hospital fanfic entitled "After the Rain", which was from a Blue Rodeo song. I googled it, and it doesn't seem to exist anymore, thank goodness. I'm sure I have it on a floppy disk somewhere. :)

fic, meme

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