Jun 02, 2006 09:00
i dont think i can tell polly exactly how i feel about her. last night we spent 4 hours on the phone just goofing off and making animal noises, i was scaring her with the "grudge" noise. i'd try to think of lame things to say to make her laugh, i kept telling her i love her when she was telling an important story. kissie sounds too. i kept telling her i wanted to marry her, kept saying "you dont love me" even when i know she does, i just like when she says "i love you". we had a fake wedding on the phone, i wished it was real. her vows were the cutest thing ever.
"do you take pauline garcia to be your wife, youll get her everything and be reallly nice to her and stop making scary noises and all the happy meals i can eat but low fat ones so i dont get fat"
"i do"
i asked her what she wanted in life
1. baby white girls that turn into black boys when their older
2. a pony with a pink tail and star on its tail
3. disney land in the backyard
4. 12 manatee's
5. 2 dolphins
6. a easy bake oven
7. a tea party set so we can have 2 tea parties a day
she was eating on the phone, some paste and was all "would you love me if i ate like this" :::chews really loud with her mouth open:::
i'd love her no matter what.