Keep Me Close- chapter XVIII

Mar 18, 2009 19:49

Team: San Jose Sharks
Pairing: Joe Thornton/Evgeni Nabokov
Rating: R

Summary: Not all in San Jose is sunny as the path to the Stanley Cup proves to be as difficult as ever; falling in love might be the simplest task on this year’s agenda.

Editor: Sherlockelly

Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V | Chapter VI | Chapter VII | Read more... )

team: san jose sharks, evgeni nabokov, author: revuko, rating: r, joe thornton

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stayxwithxyou March 19 2009, 03:26:23 UTC
=) Well, they do say first is the best... wait shit. No thats worst. Fuck. Oh whatever, first is first!

Anyways, onto the important stuff. Ah, this chapter was amazing as they all are. I love the way you write Joe and Evgeni, and I love all of the emotion that just oozes from each and every chapter. Every single time you update I feel all happy inside even though sometimes the content is complete and utter heartbreak. Is that kind of sadistic? Oops.

Joe, I have a bone to pick with you! >.< Why can't these boys just understand that along with hurting themselves, they're hurting us too?!? But gah, so much emotion and love here and I just want to smoosh them together and make it all better. FIX IT JOE, RIGHT NOW. Hahah.

The Seto scene was complete and utter awesomesauce. It made me laugh, and Joe's little speech about the stars was just love. I think in the greater picture, its just a window into his soul, but at the same time you managed to make something that in comparision to other things in this chapter is so small, seem so signifigant to me. Maybe it's because I enjoy looking at the stars for a smiliar reason, or maybe just because I'm weird, but at the same time there was so much love there.

And even though this was so heartbreaking and just plain sad, it was still epicly amazing, as is everything you write. Once again, I'm in complete awe and I cannot wait for the next update.

♥ ♥ ♥


revuko March 19 2009, 04:13:31 UTC

Have I mentioned how much I love your comments? Because I do. I truely do.

Lol sadistic? I wouldn't call it that... if only for the fact that I love the heartbreak stuff too :)

Why can't they just figure out that they were made for each other? Because they're boys. And not only that, they're hockey boys. So complicated, ugh!

Oh and the star scene! *sigh* I can probably write that because I feel pretty much the same way. And I've been so sad lately that I haven't been able to see them, from the pollution, or lights, or clouds. But then I thought of Joe, and the fact that he gets to see them all the time from above the clouds, a perfect view just for those who take advantage of it :)
That part wasn't actually written until 5 minutes before I posted this too, haha. Now I'm very glad that I added it!

Yes. Well. that's all there is! Thank you sosososososooooo much for your wonderful reviews, each and every single time!


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