Because I Was Told I Should...

May 20, 2008 07:48

Title:  Not Waiting For The Post-Season...

Pairing: Kris Draper/ Kirk Maltby (RPS Detroit Red Wings)

Rating: T

Disclaimer: The following is a work of not for profit fiction and no insult or assumption is implied by the use of the names of the persons therein. Read- It's just for fun and NOT REAL, no matter how fun the pictures would be.

Summary: Drapes realizes everyday annoyances can morph into something very nice....

Shaving had never been one of the things Kris considered sexy. Necessary, yes. Occasionally painful, check. A daily nuisance? Got it in one. But never sexy. Until now.

Kirk shaving naked? Was fucking sexy as all get out.

“Are you going to stand there and stare or come over here and kiss me?” Kirk had that shit-eating smirk again, Kris noticed. He stepped up behind his man and slid his arms around him,”You're covered in shaving cream and you want a kiss?”

“What, we have to win the 'Cup for you to kiss me when I've got shaving cream on my face?”

“It's an added encouragement for you to play ridiculously well, is it not?”Kris rested his chin on Kirk's shoulder.

“I don't care. I'm not waiting 'til the end of the season.”

“All right if you insist,” Drapes gave in and gave Malts a hearty kiss on the cheek,”Happy?”

“Watch how well I play tonight,” Kirk replied smoothly, whicking the last bit of stubble off his chin with a grin.

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