Title: No Such Thing as a Two Night Stand
Rating: NC-17
Kyle McLaren/
Craig Rivet (San Jose Sharks)
Word Count: 2801
Author's Notes: Written for
ophidiae for
zdarovyeh's "fic for Avon Walk for Breast Cancer donations" (for my personal fundraising effort) offer. Does that even make sense? At any rate, finally paying up on this one. I hope it fits the request well enough. :)
zdarovyeh's offer is still open (though the entry for it is locked to her friends only), as is an open ended one from me. Basically, if you donate at least $10 to my Avon Walk donation page, Z or I will write at least 100 words of any pairing you request. If you're interested and would like details, either comment here, or you can email me at leici@livejournal.com.
This story is based on two games in November (15th at Phoenix and 17th versus Ducks) where Craig Rivet was injured and ended up being on the Sharks' bench as an additional assistant coach. This story is set the night after the Phoenix game, where the Sharks won 6-0.
The "Reg" reference in here is to the nickname Craig earned by being a coach in those two games. It comes from Reggie Dunlop, which is the player/coach character played by Paul Newman in "Slap Shot".
Thanks to
zdarovyeh for the beta, and helping me beat this thing into shape.
No Such Thing as a Two Night Stand )