Title: Sexy Tears
Author: Anon.
Pairing: Marian Hossa/Ilya Kolvalchuk
Disclaimer: Not true, but somehow I wished it was.
Notes: I'm reposting this for someone who wished to be unnamed, but loves fb, or love! More fb = ...? ;);) This person couldn't really think of a good title, so current title is temporary? Whoever can think of a better one gets a virtual cookie!
Marian was crying again. He always seemed to be crying lately, his nose red and raw, his eyes puffy, his throat hitching with the force of his sobs.
GOD, it turned Ilya on.
It turned him on so much that he started crying too, shuddering as he hiccuped and wailed, snot now flowing just as freely from his nostrils as the water from his eyes. "Marian!" He choked. "You're so gorgeous when you cry! I just want to fuck you right now!"
"Oh Ilya," Marian whispered, wiping away his tears with one hand only to have new ones bead on his lashes and paint silvery tracks down his cheeks. "That's the most beautiful thing anyone's ever said to me. It - it makes me want to -"
But that was all he could manage before his throat constricted and he let out a great sobbing wail. Their mouths came together, damp and slippery and salty with tears and phlegm and snot. They fucked until they were too exhausted to fuck anymore, and when they came, both of them cried anew.
It was beautiful.