Title: Beautiful Mess; Chapter Five
geekintehpinkPairing: Dennis Wideman (Boston Bruins) / Boyd Gordon (Washington Capitals)
Characters: Dennis Wideman, Boyd Gordon
Word Count: 2,369
Rating: PG13
Summary: ALTERNATE UNIVERSE! Boyd Gordon is a struggling musician and Dennis Wideman is the son of a record executive. I can't really summarize it beyond there, as I haven't figured it out myself. XD
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, k?
Dedication: To
ovielove and
honeybee718 because they prodded me to post this. ILY, dears.
Ten past eight. Maybe Boyd had decided that Dennis wasn't worth it. Maybe that whole thing about being interested in being more than friends was a lie. Maybe Dennis had been stupid to think that something like this could actually work in his favor for once. He sighed and resigned himself to the next train, wishing that Boyd would just hurry up and get there. But...even as it rolled in, he found himself willing to wait a little longer. Because Boyd Gordon was worth it. Sighing, he looked at his watch and frowned. Quarter past. He shouldn't have gotten his hopes up.
“Dennis!” a voice came from behind him, and he looked up from his watch to see Boyd, in a full run, with his guitar case in hand, on his way down the stairs and into the subway station.
The frown faded and a smile spread across Dennis' face and he nodded to his side, watching as Boyd stood next to him. “I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, I was behind the slowest woman in the world in line...she kept bitching at the guy at the ticket counter and...sorry, you don't care...” Boyd said, feeling a bit of red making it's way across his cheeks.
Dennis ran a hand through his hair and gently shoved Boyd in the shoulder, shaking his head no. “Don't worry about it, Boyd...you can talk to me about anything, I swear...” he said, nodding at the train as it pulled in, walking with Boyd through the door and taking a seat next to the door.
The ride was quiet, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Dennis just...got the feeling that Boyd was a candid person and didn't want to freak him out. But, every now and again, as the people around them interacted and did the little things that reminded him why he wasn't the biggest fan in the world of the human race as a whole, they would exchange looks of amusement and stifle laughs at the expense of the people around them.
With a laugh, Dennis leaned over in Boyd's direction and whispered a bit. “This guy?” he pointed at a man in the corner who was on his cell phone, yelling at the person on the other line. “He's here, on this train, every night, and he's always on the phone. One night? He actually held the train up because people thought that he was actually going to hurt someone, so some guy in the car with us pulled the emergency lever and the train stopped...” he explained, and Boyd's eyes widened.
“Wait, so he actually held the train up or something?” Boyd asked, eyes wide as Dennis nodded his head. “Like...at gunpoint? Was he actually ready do hurt someone? Weren't you scared?”
Dennis shook his head and laughed a little. “No, no, not at gunpoint, but he was really, really mad, and yeah, I was kinda freaked. Stopping the train was kind of a precaution, you know?” he shrugged and ran a hand through his hair. “It all got sorted out, though, and apparently, I read in the newspaper that he was sentenced to anger management three times a week and some sort of other counseling, because...he's got a couple of other issues he's working through.”
Boyd looked the guy over and bit his lip. He didn't understand how a person in such an environment, with a seemingly endless supply of money could still be so angry and resentful of everything. At least to the point where they were so angry that they held up a subway train in Boston. Shaking his head, he looked at his companion and shrugged. “Well still. I mean...even if he didn't hold the train up at gunpoint? That's...wow.”
With a nod, Dennis looked over at an old lady and her baby, smiling when she looked at him and nodded a greeting. Boyd inwardly admitted a little curiosity as to how they knew each other, but really, Dennis seemed like the type of guy who was everyone's friend, whether or not they had ever formally met. It was one of the many traits about the other man that he found it hard not to admire. That and the fact that he still accepted Boyd, as he was, no questions asked...and this was a recipe for falling head over heels, and then the suckish, dramatic letdown that always seemed to come as far as Boyd was concerned. He decided right then, not to let his hops get up too high, that way, when they were dashed, there wouldn't be too many pieces to pick up. He'd been waist deep in a river of thought when he felt Dennis tap him on the arm.
“This is where we get off...” he said with a smile, guiding Boyd to the exit of the subway. “I live a block away from the subway station, so it won't be too long of a walk. Hope you don't mind...” he told Boyd in a soft tone. He'd picked up the beer the night prior on the way home and figured that he'd call in an order for pizza, so they could just relax at his place.
And once again, Boyd was reminded that Dennis Wideman was somehow not like other guys he'd met. For some inexplicable reason, Boyd found the other man easy to trust. And therefore easy to let himself fall for. They exited the train, then the station, and Boyd got his first real, long, lingering look at the other side of town. So, this was how the other half lived? Blushing a little at how much this reminded him that he was the Country Mouse in this fable, he followed beside Dennis, clinging his coat to him as the bitter cold bit at his body, deciding not to speak unless spoken to. He didn't know why, but this part of town kind of made him nervous. Not Dennis, just the surroundings.
And Dennis could sense that. He wasn't really surprised, seeing as Southie and the Back Bay were on way opposite ends of the 'financial status' scale, but he was kind of worried that the fact that his companion was so nervous would scare him off from ever coming back again. And that was the last thing he wanted, taking into consideration the fact that, since the night prior, when they had kissed, the only thought on Dennis' mind had been the warm, pink lips of the man now walking beside him. “First time coming to the Back Bay?” he asked coolly, trying not to make the other man anymore nervous than he already was.
Boyd nodded in response to the question and looked around. “It's nice out here. Bet it's awesome not to have to worry about privacy, though...” he said of the fact that most of the people in the area seemed to be keeping themselves to themselves. Well, aside from that one older couple who had walked out of the subway station with them. They seemed to be burning a hole into Boyd's head, and it was kind of making him nervous. Now I know how Julia Roberts felt in Pretty Woman...he quipped inwardly, not letting on to the fact that it was getting to him, because the last thing that Dennis needed was to worry about him. They were supposed to be relaxing, which probably would have been made exceedingly difficult by the fact that he felt like a public spectacle.
However, Dennis wasn't an idiot. He'd caught on to the fact that Boyd had gone shy when the nearby couple looked at him like he was a low end prostitute. How they had the right to assume anything about Boyd was beyond Dennis, since no one really knew his orientation...well, no one other than Boyd (and Andrew, but that was a horror story all in itself). But, people would be people, and their erroneous and unfair judgments would always be made, whether they were deserved or not. They turned the corner onto Dennis' street and the older couple went a different way, thankfully. Picking up speed as his stomach kind of made a noise, Dennis smiled up at the duplex apartment. “And here we have my humble abode...” he paused, “well, the outside of it anyway...” he added as he pulled his house key from his pocket.
Taking a glance up at the building, Boyd swallowed a lump in his throat, suddenly feeling as though he were on the wrong end of a Cinderella story. Though, he had no stepsisters or stepbrothers, so he wondered who would try and ruin things for him. Following behind Dennis as the other man opened the door, he took a look around. And the Cinderella feeling only multiplied. The apartment was like something off of one of those MTV shows. The foyer was bigger than Boyd's whole apartment, and it led to each room, each of which Boyd got a slight glance at. The kitchen had black marble on the floor, and white slate counter tops and black cupboards. And on the right was the living room, with the most comfortable looking couch that he had ever seen in his life, a couple chairs, a fish tank with more fish than probably a small aquarium and a large plasma screen TV-and that was only in his range of vision. There was another whole ten feet of living room that he couldn't see. He could see the bathroom straight ahead, with a large, walk in shower and a huge sink, and right beside him was a staircase, that he could only assume led to Dennis' bedroom.
“Wow...” was all Boyd could say.
Dennis bit his lip and ran a hand through his hair. “Is wow a good thing or a bad thing?” he asked as he took his cell phone out of his pocket, searching through the numbers for the pizza place.
Laughing slightly as he ran a hand through his hair, Boyd smiled a little. “Good. Definitely good...” he told Dennis as he peered into the living room, at the rest of what was available, meaning every electronic device known to man. Three different video game systems, a DVD player, a huge stereo and a projector, as well as a laptop in the corner were the rest of the adornment of the living room.
As Dennis found the number for the delivery place, he looked at Boyd and smiled. “Make yourself at home. You can use anything you want...video games, TV, movies, anything...” he offered as he headed over to the kitchen for the beer that he'd bought. “What type of pizza do you like, Boyd? I'm gonna order it while I go upstairs and change...” he hollered.
“Anything's fine with me, as long as it doesn't have anchovies on it...” Boyd answered, looking around the living room and taking a seat on the couch. All of a sudden, he felt as out of place as a square peg in a round hole. Dennis had everything, and he still wanted to spend his time with Boyd, who had absolutely nothing aside from a run down apartment (which currently had no power or heat) and a dead-in-the-water singing career. Why Dennis wanted to waste his time with someone like Boyd was beyond him. But, he wasn't stupid. He wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Dennis made his way into the living room, beer in hand and sat next to Boyd on the couch. “Let there be beer. And the pizza should be here in about less than ten...” he smiled a little bit as he reached for the table to grab the remote.
But...Boyd had something else in mind. Seeing him in everyday normal clothes, rather than the suits that he was forced to wear...was nice. He looked good both ways, but...this was new, and Boyd was impressed. He stopped Dennis' hand before it reached the table and grabbed him by the shirt again, pulling him close and catching his lips again in a kiss, much like the night before.
Dennis sank into the kiss, putting his hand on Boyd's chest and smirking into the lip lock, running his tongue along Boyd's lips and caressing his tongue when entrance was allowed. After running his fingers down his companion's sides, he reached his hands beneath the bottom of Boyd's shirt, feeling the warm skin presented to him. “Boyd, you're beautiful...” he whispered in a break in the kissing. “I spent all of today thinking about you...you're just amazing...”
Boyd closed his eyes and silently told Dennis just to keep touching him; never to stop. Somehow, the touch they shared wasn't demeaning. Didn't make him feel like just an object, and it was incredible. He leaned a bit closer and put his hands underneath the back of Dennis' t-shirt, feeling the skin beneath and pulling back from the kiss with a smirk. “You're beautiful...so fucking beautiful. I don't know how or why, but from the first time I saw you, I knew I wanted you. It's kinda scary...”
“You know when I saw you on stage, it was kind of different...” Dennis explained as he looked at Boyd, eyes roaming chiseled features, falling onto those inviting lips that he constantly found himself wanting to kiss. “I haven't felt anything like that before...” he smiled a little more and leaned forward to kiss him again. But just as his lips got closer to the lush, pink ones that he so despondently wanted to claim beneath his own, the doorbell rang. He was tempted to ask Boyd if he really needed to eat pizza that night, but after seeing the vigor in which he'd eaten the steak dinner the night prior, he decided not to chance it, sighed deeply and pulled away from the contact to go and answer the door.
Maybe this was the powers that be telling them, in their own special way, that it was too soon for this. “Be right back...” he said in defeat as he made his way toward the door.