Author: Angela
Rating: R
Paring: Crosby and Army!
Dedication: Thanks for the beta!,
boardnow Disclaimer: This is based on real life events, however this is written from the fictitious point of view. All the characters feelings and thoughts are those of the author. All persons, names and logos belong to their perspective copy rights or perspective persons. This author claims to own none of these and has used all names persons and logos without said permission. This is a work of fiction, and is ment as no harm or disregard towards included persons, names and logos. This work should be taken as a compliment to all involved within.
A/N: This is my nineteenth Sidney fic in the A Little Left Of Center Series.
If you want to read the pervious fics in this series (I recommend you read so you know what’s going on) go to
HERE AA/N: I AM LOOKING FOR A NEW BANNER/ICON If anyone would like to volunteer to make me one!
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thought_ribbons, &
hockey_ramble This leads to my LJ, post will become “Friends only” in ONE WEEK!
The Great Donair Caper