Title: Eight Nights (part 8 of 8)
creepy_crawlyRating: Bumping up to NC-17
Characters/Those Involved: Kari Lehtonen/Tobias Enstrom
Warnings: Hockey. Slash.
Disclaimer:Ha. This will be eight nights of me pretending. Weee!
Summary: How much can a relationship change in eight days? Well, lucky for us, Truse’s Eight Steps To Love fits right in. Mazel tov! (This is a gift-fic for Lishka, who needs to get an El-Jay)
First Night Second NightThird NightFourth NightFifth Night Sixth Night Seventh Night On the eighth night of Hannukah, my true love gave to me...quasiporn. yes, this has taken me forever. Yes, Hannukah was a long time back. Sorry. Finals are hell. So is life. And, alright, I'll cop to it, I suck at life. Like, major. Sorry, y'all.