I do love Taylor..but I'm trying to figure out who to put him with besides Ryan 'cause in my mind (my very very twisted mind) he belongs to Danny now and forever...I'll talk to my beta who writes her own fics, many with Tay and Ryan as a pairing and see if she'll post...as for NHLIM, I definitely must agree :)
Jeebus, that was hot. Great idea. And I just want to say that Pyatt's screen name cracked me up for a good ten minutes, maybe I'm just tired, but I thought that was hilarious. Anyways.....good job, looking forward to even more of your awesome sabres fics :D
Thank you, hotness is one of my most favorite things in the world when it comes to writing. Lol yeah when my beta and I read it we did the same thing...btw I'm trying to get her to write the fic where his buddies give him that nickname...and if she doesn't I may write it myself.
looking forward to even more of your awesome sabres fics :D<
Ha ha! Great idea for a fic. Not sure I'd be able to do as much typing as they were able to!! Very hot and sexy. I can't write hot or sexy -- I admire those who can and can do it well.
:D I bet you could...my beta and best friend was the same way lol...she still had the whole PG filter thing goin on..read enough and that thing sorta cracks and disappears after a while :D Ty...I must confess it came from my own experience...one of my guy friends were like wanting to come over to my house and watch my Cinemax on Demand 'cause his speakers were broken and porn on mute just doesn't do it lol
LOL @ "PG filter." Yeah, I feel really self-conscious when I try to write PWP. I don't think I have a flair for it. Maybe I need to find a beta to work with on that... Hmmm...
Lol it came to me in a very twisted way...I actually had to explain it to one of my bi guy friends when he asked me why she freaked about writing smut...and I am always open if you need a beta..reading stories is my fave thing to do like EVER (in addition to writing em of course)
Thanks...Me too...IM fics are the shit! Lol I spent about ten minutes trying to think up a name for him...Ryan's was easy...but until I remembered that Pyatt was 9 on the Canucks I had no freakin clue..just glad I did it right lol :D
Comments 15
The world also needs NHLIM. ;P
And there's always a Canucks players. :P
(my very very twisted mind)
Mine's just as twisted...
looking forward to even more of your awesome sabres fics :D<
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