Title: Don’t Like The Weather? (Wait a Half Hour. It’ll Change.)
Author: Skye-chan
Date: 12/07/2006
Word Count: 3,259
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sergei Fedorov/Rick Nash/Nikolai Zherdev (Columbus Blue Jackets)
Genre: More shameless porn. Gen, most likely.
Disclaimers: Sadly, this isn't true, nor are they mine. I don’t own them, though they could own me if they really wanted to. I just like to torture them, and then cuddle them afterwards.
Author’s Notes: For
cradle_song and
creepy_crawly, as they wanted more! *hopes she can deliver* For some reason, the parts that aren’t shameless porn are ridiculously cute and fluffy. And somehow, my submissive!Sergei!muse has become a dominant!Sergei!muse. O.o; And I think that if you’ve never lived in Ohio, you cannot begin to understand the seriously RIDICULOUS weather that we are subjected to. Especially this year. T_T The title is a saying that I’ve always heard used in relation to crazy!Ohio!weather. And I seriously need to figure out a way to shorten my title block.
*Dialogue in italics is spoken in Russian.
Feedback: Is loved like a goal made by Nikky Zherdev.
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