Title: Survive
creepy_crawlyPairing: Sergei Fedorov/Nikolai Zherdev. Because damn, they’re hot. And because, damn, but I’ve had thing for Seryozha since…since he’s been playing hockey. And that’s longer than I’ve been alive.
Rating: Pg-13
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these men. I really, really wish I did. Because then, you know, it'd be like, 'wooh! Free hockey!'. But no, I don't.
Warnings:. Cursing. Slash. Hockey. Angst like WOAH. (I’m seriously, seriously not kidding. My non-hockey fandom has ninja. Death, pain, and agony are commonplace here…)
Summary: Memories are playing through his mind like the videos Kolya loved to make…and surviving just hurts so much…
**Written (post-humously, as it were) for Challenge #2 on
hockey_fc, Loss.**
Sergei? You're not playing the rest of the game. Get out of here.