Title: The Higgins/Lapierre Project
Author: obscuredmemory
Word Count: 3267
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Chris Higgins/Maxim Lapierre, with mentions of Kevin Bieksa/Ryan Kesler, Alexandre Burrows/Mason Raymond, and Keith Ballard/Alexander Edler.
Summary: While the team had supported Chris' relationship with Lapierre, it simply could not continue now that Max was engaged. What would that do to his poor fiancée, Christina?
Warnings: Gratuitous swearing, sexual innuendos, and Ryan Kesler being obnoxious.
Disclaimer: None of this is true. Unfortunately.
Note: First foray into Hockey RPS! Based off of
THIS prompt at the
hockeyanonmeme. Maxim Lapierre announced his engagement today. So what if he was actually marrying Chris Higgins?
"When Chris Higgins walked into the Canucks locker-room for their one o’clock practise, everyone knew what he had been doing the previous night. Or, more specifically, who he had been doing."