Title: Things That Don't Exist
Part: 6/?
Pairings: Seabrook/Keith, some Kane/Toews
Rating: R for language, I guess?
Disclaimer: I don't really want to put a warning, because then it kind of gives things away? This is... not realistic? And physically impossible? Besides, if you're this far, you already know.
Summary: Everything is falling apart, and the one person Brent needs most is the one he can't tell.
Part 6
http://ice-hot-13.livejournal.com/14198.html Part 1
http://ice-hot-13.livejournal.com/12295.htmlPart 2
http://ice-hot-13.livejournal.com/12098.htmlPart 3
http://ice-hot-13.livejournal.com/12013.htmlPart 4
http://ice-hot-13.livejournal.com/11654.htmlPart 5