Title: Take it From You
Part: 1/1
Pairing: Danny Briere/Claude Giroux
Rating: Mature/NC 17
Disclaimer: If you got here by googling yourself, your best friend, your teammates, or your dog, I suggest you click the back button and walk away slowly. We’d all be happier that way.
These are lies, and I make no profit from these lies and I don’t own anyone of the people featured here, because slavery is illegal.
Summary: Danny carries the world on his shoulders. Sometimes Claude has to take it away from him. H/C post game
Author’s Notes: I wrote myself condolence fic after Monday’s game, this is what came out. Kudos to
lobsterclaaaws for holding my hand during the game while I screamed at Boosh and our BB Russian We Found on The Road Somewhere even though she doesn't even much like hockey and should be rooting for the Bruins anyway. Title comes from my mishearing some lyrics of the Distiller’s “
For Tonight You’re Only Here to Know” which was my song!muse.
Just tonight I would, I would lay here for you,
Just tonight I would, I would take it from you.