Title: Childhood friends, Never forgotten. [Twoshot]
Genre: Angst-ish, high school AU
Rating: PG13
Summary: Minho has changed. Taemin has changed. One thing Minho hopes that hasn't changed is their friendship.
1 (
Minho ruffled Taemin’s hair, fingers getting lost in the sheer silkiness and volume, marvelling in the mess that lay in textured layers )
le sigh--so perfect.
Taemin heard the regret in Minho’s voice, and his lips curved up lazily as he hid his face in Minho’s neck. Minho thought he felt a brush of soft lips against his collarbone, a hint of moisture from a perfect mouth, and he stilled, not sure if Taemin was still awake.
And holy mother of mothers, this was delicious
A silence fell as they stood in the doorway, observing the light blue walls, the slight crack above Minho’s bed from when Taemin and Minho had decided it was a good idea to play tennis inside on a rainy day. The smiling picture of them taken on a family picture together, arms flung carelessly over sun kissed shoulders and grins of carefree indulgence, still there even after all this time apart.
If there's one thing you do well it's descriptions--I believe all of them so thoroughly, every time. Your words just work so well together.
That's good, and the crack on the wall thing? My brother used to play badminton indoors against the wall. Ahem.
but agscuioahlscbaoc I'm glad. Now I need to write the next part of my other fic ¬__¬
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