Another update from the back of forever

May 06, 2018 17:48

Been keeping busy and it seems like a lot of the journal-type platforms have been entering radio silence by people, myself included. I don't post as often as I used to *sigh*. Frequently it just seems to be a lot of stuff happening and I run out of time in the day to do so.

I'm now the Trustee of my brother's estate. He was an organized hoarder and all the stuff he hoarded was good stuff not the shovel-it-into-a-dumpster variety. The Hubby is currently there cataloguing and preparing things for sale. This means that we're living apart since my brother lived a bit over 1400km from where I live. Basically it's almost a 2 hour plane ride which is a bit of a commute. We're anticipating him being there to September at least. I'll be going back once the weather settles into more warmness in order to scatter my brother's ashes as he wished.

I caved to insanity and bought 2 dolls literally within minutes of each other. One is a Dollshe fashion-size (44cm) Saint in espresso coffee resin. The other is a Granado 55cm-ish boy. The Dollshe was because there was a final 30% off sale and discontinuation of all the sculpts and for what I wanted, getting him 2nd hand would be next to impossible. The Granado was a crowdfunding sale where they said if a certain number of dolls were ordered in a particular size, they'd make him, but it was a 1 time thing. Both sales ended at the end of April. Both are characters from my Divine Worship world although I was struggling with just who they were when I ordered them. The Dollshe boy is a Shadow Jinn named Sancise. The Granado boy is a god, but I'm still fiddling with just what he is god of. I'm also dithering on his name but I'm close (I think) to deciding on it. I'm hopeful that I'll see the Dollshe boy within 6 months but that's VERY hopeful on my part as Dollshe is notorious for hideously long wait times (1 year or more is actually pretty common). I don't know how long the Granado boy will take but it's my understanding that they're pretty good about wait times (I think 3-4 months).

I've also finished the metal leafing of Mkhai (Impldoll Miguel the Demon Hunter). I'm super pleased with him but I can't string him yet as I need to let the Mod Podge I used as the sealant cure and that takes 4-6 weeks *sigh*. That sucks but I don't want to screw up all the work I put into him by stringing him before I should. It took me about 30 hours to metal leaf him.

Additionally, I've dyed Vale's horns grey (he's an Iplehouse FID Claude vampire) and applied white iridescent glitter to his wicked-long nails. He's also wearing a black wig now that a friend gave me that didn't work for her FID. I'd like to make the scales for Saraf's arm and I think I'm going to try some sort of moulding based on the FL event arm he's currently wearing to do that as I'm not happy with the way the dragon scales I attempted looked. I plan on making them out of paperclay and gluing them to his arm. I'd also like to re-do Tyh's tatts using Mod Podge and acrylic paint. Possibly I'll also metal leaf Aischylos' hooves as well.

I am still writing a variety of things. I have Vale's backstory, Metamorphosis done. It was supposed to be a short novella. Technically, it still is a novella. But it's also crept very close to the 50K novel mark at 42,361 words. I have the very strong suspicion that it wouldn't take a lot of tweaking to hit that 50K mark if I wanted to. Ondraeden/Vale' story The Dire Heart is currently 78,951 words and I'm about 1/2 way done. Saraf/Edenlei's story The Fire Of Godly Devotion is 116,834 words and it's literally the last chapter to be written. Of course, because it is that last chapter, it's like pulling hen's teeth out through the hen's ass to finish it because my writer brain hates to finish stories because then they're over *rolls eyes at self*. I'm also still writing Escape Velocity (Tohan/Warrick) for

I will be at Anime North this year again and once again, I will be part of Cafe Nocturne. We still have some tickets left for Sunday shows (to the best of my knowledge) if anybody is aiming to come. You'd need to purchase online to guarantee a seat though as we are not able to do ticket sales at the door. I'll also be having Lilly visiting me then and I'm really looking forward to that *grins*.

writing, rl, bjd

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