Stayed home sick for the last three days. The breathing has gotten better and I can now sleep in a normal, horizontal fashion without feeling like I'm drowning. The cough is still hideous and I'm hacking up stuff but it's not gross/worrisome colours. Despite taking the steroid inhaler twice a day for the past three days, I'm still needing to use the rescue inhaler every day *sigh*. This bug has really thrown my asthma for a loop. Ribs ache like a mo-fo from all the coughing. Had a really bad fit last night and thought I pulled something in my back because of the tenderness. Runny nose is not quite like a faucet turned on full blast anymore but I'm still blowing out more snot than should be able to fit in my sinus cavities.
Because I'm home sick, I've been watching Netflix (The Boy pays for that and has generously hooked me up *grins*). I watched 2 movies today, The Rezort and Night of the Living Deb (no, that last one is not a typo). I also recently watched Train To Busan and that was really good, too.
I enjoyed The Rezort (which is apparently a Scottish production) quite a bit and I think my only bone to pick with it (pun intended) is that nobody closed any damn fucking door! I mean, I can see when you're running for your life from the undead and they're hot on your heels. Don't take the time to close the door as it may be the last thing you attempt to do. But when there aren't any zombies around and you're trying to keep them from following you, close the fucking door behind yourself and lock it if that's an option. I was also wickedly glad that the moron responsible for the whole thing got bit and eaten by the zombies. Karma is a bitch.
Night of the Living Deb was a comedy and if you can get past the first... 10 minutes of the female lead (the aforementioned Deb)as she's highly annoying at first, it's really quite funny. Deb settles down after that and it's a good, campy bit of fun. There was one scene where the camera was panning the street and somebody had spray painted in black, "Your all dead!" on a wall. Somebody else came along with red paint, X-ed out the "your" and wrote "you're" under it which I thought was hilarious.
Train To Busan is a Korean film (it's subtitled) and was quite good. There's redemption for one character and another gets what is richly deserved. The ending is a bit sad but also totally believable. Production quality was very good and it was an interesting take on surviving a zombie apocalypse in that almost the entire movie takes place on a train.