Writing, dolls and a poncho still for sale

Mar 26, 2013 08:36

I was a busy little beaver over the weekend. I actually got quite a bit written on ZA: ATDSR and yeah, that puppy is gonna have to be 2 novels if I want to accomplish everything I have planned. I've got 73,201 words worth of completed (but un-tweaked) chapters written and slightly over 1,000 words of the next chapter started and Tracey and Guy have been together for barely a week! Yowzers! Good news though for you wanting more of Jase & Konrad (from ZA: Run & Gun. They have finally shown up *grins*. I say this'll need to be 2 novels because 110K is generally the absolute top out for most publishers although I do know of 1 or 2 who will go as high as 130K. I'm not sure just how big this effort will get, but considering where I am in the story and how many words I have down already and the fact that I always end up adding more to a story when I tweak things... yeah, big is definitely looking like what's happening with this one.

I've been working on other fiction, too, and I've noticed something a little odd. When I get into the 40K range of a story, some of my steam goes out. I have several stories in the 40K range and it's almost a chore to pick them up and get them going. Once I break through to 50K though, it's all full steam ahead. Weird, huh?

The mod that I'd mentioned before is looking more and more like a serious I'm-gonna-do-it thing. I'm still hovering on the bubble for it as I know that if I do go ahead with it, it would make selling the head much more difficult if I decided not to get a full on doll. I have every confidence in the modder I've been speaking with but there aren't a lot of factory default 3-eyed dolls wandering around and even less of the modded variety. But the idea has sunk it's teeth into me and really doesn't want to let go. It would be something down the road though as like with anything doll related, I need to save up for not only the cost of the modding and face-up but the cost of buying a body to go with the head, too. And the additional (but not unforseen cost *sigh*) of purchasing his lover and getting a face-up for him, too. Little wallet vampires *mutters*.

Whether or not I get the mod done, I will be writing the story that involves these two characters. The 3-eyed guy is Yolyamanitzin (Zin for short) and his lover is guy everybody calls Tank (his real name is Virgil). Zin is an alien and Tank is human and this would be a future Earth story. And for those wondering, yes, the 3rd eye is functional and all of Zin's people have one although they don't all see with it the way Zin does. No idea when I'll get to that story but it's poking me pretty hard.

I also FINALLY got Darius' wig that I'd been waiting on and it's freaking perfect for my little cockatrice *grins*.

It's kinda messy here as it was literally seconds out of the shipping envelope but it's perfect for him. I'm very happy with it. Now I just need to make something he'll wear with regards to clothes.

I have also got the semi-depressing news that RingDoll (the company that I ordered Fei-Lau's mecha arm from) has just finished (supposedly) the orders that were placed back in October. That's right. 5 fucking months later they finish orders (although there's no word of the orders being shipped and it could be just something they're saying to fluff off people waiting months and months for dolls as they have done that before). Since my order went into RD mid-January, the earliest I can see that arm getting to MoC is the end of June. *gnashes teeth*. That, however, isn't an absolute and while an earlier arrival date is possible, it's far more likely to have a later arrival date. Say... sometime in July or even in August. Please note that my entire order, with the exception of the arm, is waiting at MoC and I had stuff from 3 different companies in that order. Not only that, I ordered a full doll from DollZone during their Xmas event when a lot of orders come through and I still had delivery of my doll within 2 months (which is roughly average in the BJD world).

Now this isn't my first rodeo. I am aware of and even a little used to wait times involved in the BJD world. But that is plain ass crazy waiting from RD. They are not a single artist casting all the sculpts themselves. They are a company. Fine, it's a small company, but my point is there is more than one person working there doing everything. I am seriously considering emailing MoC and asking if they can split my order. It galls me to have to pay shipping and Customs twice (and pay those giant douche bags, FedEx, twice) but I honestly think that wait time is insane when what I ordered is a standard item (i.e. always available and not limited in any way) and not even a full doll.

In further doll stuff, I put the god-mark on Khale over the weekend.

Sleet has his on his face and Khale gets his on his arm (where it usually goes, Sleet's was done under special circumstances). I'm not 100% sure I like the way this turned out and I may redo it later, but for now, I'm satisfied with it.

I also still have that poncho up for grabs. I think a price of $25 + shipping (I'd go with the cheapest method I could) is fair considering this is a handmade item.

It really is nicer than it looks in photographs and very soft and fuzzy. Are there really no takers for this? Come on. You know you want it....

writing, knitting, bjd

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