I posted this to my author LJ
id_locke this morning and figured that some of you guys here might not have seen it and want to read it. Please remember that I am now posting ALL original stuff to my author LJ exclusively. This is an original piece of fiction from my Balancing Karma universe (Enchanted Shadows to be specific) and is just a little (only 1,200 words) one-shot of something with Jaiseki and Sarojin.
Rated PG for a little swearing and some m/m references (nothing explicit though). There's a very good chance that it's worksafe, but as always, use discretion if viewing where you shouldn't be.
Karmic Quirk In further writing news, I have no idea if I'll get much of anything done in the few days remaining before Xmas. I seem to have a million things to do and not enough time to do it. There will still (in all likelihood) a post on Friday (Christmas day) as Sinn's Rune is complete and doesn't require any writing on my part to happen. Of course, I say that I'll post now....
I would like to get to S&L over the holidays, but I need to print the damn thing out to re-read and, of course, the master file is on the home compy and I forgot to copy it to my jump drive *head desk*.