Feb 16, 2005 18:08
Well today was just like any other day, i was tired. It is kristins birthday, and i made her a card with crayons and i wrote the lyrics to "If all else fails" by matchbook romance in it. I also got her a shirt, lyndsey has the same one, i didnt know, but i gues thats ok. School was pretty average. Like i say i was tired, but i saw kristin alot and that made me feel good. I laughed alot today, and thats good too. When i got home, i just sat down, watched "Schifty Five" about schifty five times, and i ate sour patch kids that my mom got me for valentines day. they are delicious.
oh yeah yesterday, kristin wanted to send her this rap that me i wrote in 9th grade for mrs hanna. I dont know if any ninth graders who read this are that far yet. But picture this: Me and Noah Heimer behind Mrs hanna's desk with sock puppets that resemble blinged out worms and the Karaoke version of "ice ice baby" playing, singing this to the class. Here it is...
Yo-I’m representin the leeches
Time to get this party STARRRTED
Let’s hear it for the parasites
Alright stop collaborate and listen
The doctors are back with a brand new invention
Making me
Suck people’s blood
I was that I was back home in the mud
Hirudinea-- is my class
And I got three hundred other
Brothers in that class
I got aquatic and some that live on land
And we all carnivores, so we might bite your hand
We don’t need no setae
Or parapodia
But that’s ok
We move with or suckers
Up and down all around so that we can find our prey hey
What’s up?
Bristle Worm
Yo-I’m representing the under water crew
I’m a bristle worm what’s that mean to you?
I’ll tell you what it means you lowly lizards
I’m the only annelida that don’t got no gizzards
I’m a hermaphrodite
I use setae to help through my environment
I’ll put you in retirement
Two thirds-of the annelids group is what we make up
We are the polychaeta
That means many bristles
Called setae
The setae project from parapodia
They-help with gas exchange
We are the only annelidas that pass through the trocophore stage
Yo I’m bustin this joint
Earth Worm
Take heed cause I’m a segmented worm
When we move we wiggle and squirm
My scientific name is ogliochaeta
Yo-swallowing rocks and dirt
You may think that it would hurt
But it don’t
I’m gonna tell you why
First the dirt goes to the esophagus
Then the crop
But that aint where it stops
Then it goes to the gizzard
Shizzard my nizzard
Then it hits the intestine
Then the typhlosole for digestion
It doesn’t end there
But that’s not heinous
Because the rest of the dirt comes out my anus
Our circulatory systems closed
It takes oxygen, carbon dioxide
Nutrients and wastes
Throughout my body without haste
Like my cuz the bristle worm I’m a hermaphrodite
But I still need another worm to help me get a baby
We stick together with our mucus
Then we make a
Then we make a pouch out of our mucus
Called a chitin for my eggs
They stay in there for days and days
Then little earthworm junior emerges
Yo-that’s how it works
If there’s a problem yo I’ll solve it
Check out the hook while bristle worm revolves it
Well thats it, oh yeah, me and noah got a 110% on it. go figure
Comment about that if you want
Love brett