Nice to know you (05-04-07)

Apr 14, 2007 20:07





Baddest skinhead this side of Brunei. If he met you in a scissor fight, he'd cut off both your wings on principle alone.

What English does to you, even when you're english

And then they posed 


Long story. Nothing to do with Dan though, he's just posing, but then what else is new?

Our mess.

Las Chicas

Brace yourself for some close-ups

Not yet...

Chee agreed to take the pictures, Dom took the pictures. I am merely the messenger.

The female contingent of IB

Guess who wants to be involved...

And messes it up anyway...

But then get's his moment of glory, he'll be showing these ones to guys in University for years

Funny thing about this one is he's still posing below the picture, unaware that for once... he ISN'T the focus of attention. Haha sorry Dan, but you DO ask for it...

Then the girls got the camera back...

Pose much?

Don't ask me...

In the Art room

Goodbye. Nice to know you.

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