OOC - Last-Minute Sick Plotting

Oct 30, 2005 00:35

Okay here's the deal. As I type this I have pneumonia. I have just been ordered to bed-rest by my mother and will not be on for an unknown amount of time.

Because of this I have to implement a last-minute plot relying on pretty-much everyone else. Since I have pneumonia and don't know when I'll be back I've decided that Jack will have it too. Most of it will be background, people noticing that he's sick and all (Especially the roomies), but I'm gonna have to get him to the clinic tomorrow seeing as Wilson and House Muns (Along with pretty much everyone else) are offline right now.

mparker16 and janet_fraiser have agreed to be my Main Jack NPCs while I'm out.

While Jack is in the clinic feel free to visit him, but keep in mind that he'll be unconscious for a large portion of the time (Due to the fact that he'll be munned by other's who have charas of their own and lives to boot).

The people directly involved in this (Mostly in a background capacity) have probably already checked their voicemails. So. Hi.

The following are details, so everyone Jack was interacting with isn't blown off. If I forget anyone know that it's not personal and that I apologize, it's almost mid-night and I need sleep.

gotcanewillpoke and tooniceuglyties : Parker-Mun will be will (As Jack) get dragged/pushed/bullied into the clinic sometime tomorrow, probably around Noon MST but don't quote me on that. Jack will need to be checked in and made to stay for an unknown period of time, at least a day at most who knows. Feel free to bitch at him and Snark at him for ignoring his symptoms and not telling anyone.

janet_fraiser and mparker16: Jack, being Jack, will not going willingly into the clinic if he thinks he'll be there for more than an hour. Either Doc or Carter would be preferable to drag/pull/bully him in there, he's got a weak spot. Doc-Mun will be busy for a large portion of tomorrow so once Jack is admitted Doc will play Mother-Hen over him for a while. Parker-Mun and Doc-Mun should probably get together and figure out who's gonna do what when. Also, here is a link to the SG edition Starter Kit, it's got all the details and links to the OOCs and any other details you might need.

carter_i_am: Found this out like right after you signed off or I would've warned you about it. Jack'll be sick through the costume party and Jack-Mun may not be on for a while. If I can I'll try to sneak on when I can so we can finsih the date. Feel free to visit Jack whenever, you can even NPC him responses a bit but keep in mind that he's probably gonna be real groggy and sleepy-like.

not_an_ex_demon: Great timing huh? That plot we were working on? When I get back I'd say give me a day or two and we should be good to go. Stupid wrenches. I'd give you visiting permission but Jack's scared of Anya right now. With good reason.

kawalsky: Jack still has plans to punish you for the pictures, don't think you got off easy. >:) Feel free to stop by and bug him, you have permission to NPC responses (Along with interacting with Doc!Jack and Parker!Jack) but like with Carter keep in mind that he's a sick little pupper right now.

notcalledlizzie/the_ascended: Interact with Doc!Jack or Parker!Jack or NPC small responses. Stop by and visit if you want but beware the grog.

If someone could drop a link in the comments whenever someone interacts with Jack while I'm gone that would rock, I'd like to know what he get's up too.

Thank all of you in advance and I'm sorry about the short-notice.
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