Last entry: May 2005?

Jul 09, 2008 17:03

First off... In my last entry, 3 years ago, I stated at the end that I wanted to bring back the plaid flannel shirt. Can I just say that that happened? Interesting... Likewise I was talking to Talene like a week or two ago and said we should bring back livejournal, because A. it's interesting to be able to look at past entries, and B. nobody blogs or reads blogs on myspace/facebook, sure there's blogspot, but hey, I already have a livejournal account... It was really weird though because 2 or 3 people had posted bulletins on myspace with their livejournal URL. Maybe I'm just not as original as I thought.

So the funniest things to look back on here are probably the surveys.. some things have changed and some things haven't. Funnier then that is probably the comment conversations.  I can't count the <3's and the i love you's to pretty much everyone. It's also interesting to see how my relationships have changed with the people I was friends with.

I would like to take this time to journal about all the stuff going on in my life, just to get it out. But then I feel like it's too personal, and not that anyone is probably going to read it anyway, but maybe someday. I don't know.

But then.. I don't know what to write about if I'm not willing to be vulnerable. Unless I just start ranting about gas prices and politics, but I'm not really in the mood.

I miss my best friend. A lot. I think he should get a livejournal. And then I can pretend like I'm still talking to him everyday. I was glad to see him last night though. He misses me too, and I'm thankful.

All right. That's the end.... of me talking to myself. And maybe Talene.
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