Jan 27, 2006 21:12
so its really time for my life 2 move on...just a TINY bit faster.
i really have nothing fun to say b/c as some1 always tells me. im boring. but thats cool.
i had 2 work tonight we were kinda busy but not really. my schedual of next week consists of tuesday, wed, thursday, friday, and saturday. that will deffinitally keep my mind off things if something goes not my way. so my manager thought it would be cool to yell at me b/c i requested to have the entire week of spring break off, b/c im going down 2 FLORIDA! i've never EVER been there and im excited. go me.
im really thinking that im tired and i wanna sleep. or atleast just relax. minus the whole computer part and an uncomfortable chair.
in school my favorite class of the day is deffinitally pe. I LOVE IT. today i was just non-stop laughing for no reason! i always get a bit on the hyper side when im in pe. hahaha go me. as my friend would say pe is my drug. i get high off that. u'll see me graduate and then go back to normal suited up and ready for pe. Dodgeball bitches! HA what a great game.
so in bio we are watching this movie called Awakenings. its got robin williams and robert deniro in it. so far its really good/interesting. but my dad told me about the movie and now im confused and upset! its about these ppl who have parkinsons or something like it and he gives them this drug but it works for a while then it doesnt work..which brings in the confused and upset moods.. i love movies that are about diseases like that. they make me happy. but i hate it when they have CRAPPY endings.
HEY LINCOLN when is ur prom~! tellllll me. i wanna know.
Steelers, woohoo! i really dont know what im gonna do for the superbowl. someone umm.. INCLUDE ME!!
i'm gonna go do something that will keep me warm.
Nathan, i will call you!!