Aug 16, 2005 01:53
so this is prolly goin' to be a complain fest tonight...there's just a lot on my mind and really im just not happy right now.
so my grandparents are talkin' about there Will and the stuff in their house and who they wanna give it to...i've been thinking about that lately. and that just makes me so upset to think about it. i dont know what i'll do when my grandparents die..they have been there for me my whole life...when things were rough i could go down there anytime i wanted to just to get away....and right now as we speak tears are rollin' down my face....i realize they arent dieing now. but they could at any moment. and it kills me so badly...i know tho God is taking both of them to a better place. They are just amazing people...if u dont know them u should meet them and if u do know them u r lucky people. death is one of the hardest things for me.
another thing that kinda bothers that some of the guys that i meet or talk to..they ask me if i have a boyfriend..and i say no and they are like..why not? why doesnt such a nice and pretty girl like you have a boyfriend? and i dont know what to tell them. ..not like i have to tell them anything. but still. but that question is something that makes me think and makes me wonder why i dont have one.
i just wish school would start so i can get my mind off all this stuff...Nathan always tells me that i think about everything and that im always so serious and stuff....and to be quite honest, he's right. i am, thats me, thats how i always will be. i cant change it. just something else i thought about.
so a certain someone did something that i liked tonight. but the thing is...he gave up to easily. ..i was in this mood when i was talkin' to him and i was appreciating that he was bein' nicer to me..which happen to b the something he did, but when he couldnt do it anymore he said some things that really upset me...let alone me already bein' in a mood that just wasnt too positive. ..i never got a chance to tell him what i wanted to so im goin' to do it now...and he knows who he is...I wanted to thank you for what you did. I really appreciated it, even tho i didnt really show it I felt like you cared. sorry that u were so appt to give up quickly. I feel bad.
now i just feel like going to bed and crying myself to sleep.......bye
crossfade-dead skin