I Dare You To Love Me

Mar 25, 2004 23:19

I know: less than i'd like to know
I want: to be in NY
I have: friends who i <33
I wish: I was with him right now
I hate: racism and ignorance
I miss: my childhood
I fear: death and being alone
I hear: mandy moore -- "have a little faith in me"
I love: my friends n family n my la
I ache: for him to juss be w\me
I care: for you
I always:think about him
I dance: like no ones watching
I cry: when somethin fucks over
I write: in my lj
I confuse: everyone
I can usually be found: in my room

-ARE YOU A...-
Wuss: at times maybe
Druggie: no
Gang member: no
Daydreamer: oh yes..
Alcoholic: no
Freak: at times
Brat: sometimes
Sarcastic: yess
Goody-goody: ppl prob see me that way?
Friend: of many
Shy: at times
Adventurous: depends i'll try things - you onlie live oncee
Intelligent: :\\


Your best feature [personality]: i'm easy to talk to and get along with i'm not judegemental
Most annoying thing you do: bite my nails
Biggest mistake you've made this far: i'm not quite sure
Describe your personality in one word: Unique
A smell that makes you smile: Rajiv after he shaves and he smells like his aftershave stuff it smells sooo good :] i <33 it
A city you'd like to visit: Paris
A drink you order most often: Dr. Pepper
The music you prefer while alone: depends on my mood
A TV show you watch regularly: FRIENDS
You live in: the real world
had a serious talk: yepp
hugged someone: yes
missed someone: yeah
gotten along with your parents: yea mostly
fought with a friend:nopee :]]
cried: not yett :]
felt empty: in a way
wished you were dead: nope
. : your friends : .
best friend: Nasiha n Rajiv
known longest: Nasiha
wish you talked to more: a few ppl
wish you saw more: La, Purab, and Kunjun
how many friends do you think you have: i have enough
who drives you insane after a while: loll none of em
who can you be around forever and never get annoyed? Nasiha n Rajiv
ever lose a good friend because you took it to the 'next level': nope
can always make you laugh: nasiha
hot tempered: not sure
most impatient: nasiha and polina
shortest: jolly..hmm
tallest: pooja
skinniest: jolly
nicest: their all nicee
best personality: all of them
Most Patient: Purab, Ryan, Kunjun, Arpan - mostly the guyss
private life : .
do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: yeah
do you have a crush: <33 Rajiv
do you love anyone right now: - <3 Rajiv
have you ever been in love: i'm crazzily in love with la
who was your first kiss: shawn
how many people broke your heart: 1
so what is your bf/gf/crush like: he's the bestestt he's amazing and incredible and just perfect for me
do you have a picture of him/her: plenty
do you have a picture of yourself: yepp
ever kiss a friend: nope
are you still friends: n\a
so moving along..do you smoke: no
do you smoke weed: naw
ever trip on acid: no
how about a little x: no
crack, heroin, anything else: nope
beer good or beer bad: beer is gross
are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: basicallly
do you like smirnoff ice: no
prefer beer or liquor: neither
what kind of cigarettes do you smoke: don't smoke
are you...
Understanding: i think i am
Open-minded: yes
Arrogant: no, i dont think so
Insecure: at times
Interesting: egh..
Hungry: not especially
Smart: not as smart as i can be
Moody: can be
Childish: at times
Hard working: hm...when i get reallllly motivated
Organized: yeah
Healthy: Not at all
Emotionally Stable: Not so much
Shy: at times
Difficult: very
Attractive: i'm not ugly
Bored Easily: yes... thats y i'm doin all this
Messy: right now
Thirsty: a little
Responsible: Depends on the responsibility
Obsessed: with..?
Angry: not so much
Sad: not really
Happy: :]]
Trusting: VerY .. i'm good with keep secrets n stuph cause its no ones business not even mine
Ill: no
Talkative: very
Original: most def.
Ignored: more than i'd like to be
lazy: also more than i'd like
Reliable: def.
Deep thinker: yes
Self-disciplined: yes
Sleepy: not really
Lonely: yes
Kill: no one
Slap: a few people at school
Get Really Wasted With: Justin timberlake - would not regret that :]
Tickle: elmo?
Talk to: Rajiv R. Lala (teeHe)
~if someone gave you...~
$1,000,000: Splurgee
a stick of gum: question my breath? than thank them
a cow: give it to a farm
A BRAND NEW CAR: drive to mexicoo
a child: love it

-GooDnEsS! I'm SoOooO boredd! UrT.. today was an okies day. Just went to Dominicks and Osco with Resh and the bakery thingy. Than ate at Garabaldis.. basically my day. Tomorrow hopefullie will be more xcitingg? :]
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