Thought this was funny

Aug 04, 2004 04:39

This is a post from some dude on this website. His name on there is JesusFChrist

"Corey referred to me in another thread as a "character", like someone in a cast or as some inanimate object or prop. This got me thinking and when that happens nothing good usually comes from it.

When I joined CFUS it was initially to make a few comments now and then after I had already lurked for a few months. Since no one seemed too bent out of shape I ventured out every now and then to place the odd comment here and there. 175 comments later and I have yet to be banned or told to bugger off.

Why did I pick the name "JesusFChrist"? For no other reason than the fact that I am a Kevin Smith fan and had recently purchased a Buddy Christ dashboard figurine for a friend and had a pic to use as an avatar. This has on occasion brought me into a few religious discussions or jesus jokes that I admit were hack and extremely lame (example: CFUS_Poster47: "I probably shoulda banged her. A rhetorical what would Jesus do?" My obligitory hack answer in character: "Fuck her in the ass and wipe your cock on the curtains")

So now I will go through five other possible gimmicks I could have used instead of Jesus Christ:


Due to the fact that Serpentor is usually associated with the downfall of all things GI Joe it may not have been a better choice than the son of god, but it would've provided some great comedy in a lame FARK Forums kind of way. The novelty would have worn off quick though and i predict that I would've been banned within 20 posts regardless of the value of the content.

Overall Serpentor = very bad idea.

The Gooch

The always antagonistic bully on 80's televison show Diff'rent Strokes would have made an interesting choice as a CFUS regular. the Gooch is obscure enough to draw an instant chuckle from anyone that actually knows who he is. He was always referred to on the show by Arnold but hardly if ever seen, so there could have been some debate among you webmasters as to whether I was really the Gooch or just some guy with too much television knowledge and a pretilection for inside jokes. The two downsides I see to being The Gooch are 1) the endless photoshops of Gary Coleman saying "What you talkin 'bout Willis" following my every post, and 2) "gooch" is also a slang term that means the same as "taint", both of them referring to the area between a woman's pussy and rectum (taint = it ain't pussy and it ain't ass).

Overall The Gooch = Better than Serpentor but only funny to a select few, if even that, so not good overall

In my extensive one page Google Image search for The Gooch I was not able to find a pic of the actor that played him in Diff'rent Strokes , but I did find pics of these two guys, both associated with the search word "gooch". They look as good as any Gooch I could imagine so here they are:

Jesse Camp

Jesse Camp is the most hated and reviled DJ ever to spend time on Mtv since the week in 1984 when JJ Jackson and Alan Hunter swapped hairstyles (Jackson wearing the 'flock-of-seagulls' and Hunter in the afro). No one likes Jesse Camp. His mother reportedly acqired a wombat to gnaw through her fallopian tubes insuring she would not inflict another child like him on the planet. In a world filled with genocide in Africa, land mines killing children daily in third world nations, widows being burned alive in India, and shut down none of these horrors hold a candle to the dreadfulness that embodies carbon-human form we call Jesse Camp.

Overall Jesse Camp = An idea so bad I would not join BanThis's forums as Jesse Camp.

The Living Internet Embodiment of Jimmy Stewart's Voice
This is more of an abstract concept than a gimmick-y character. It is hard to succesfully exist as a mannerism or affection in a medium thats foundation is ones and zeroes. If the whole world wide web computer thingy would have been based on the timber of the human voice and not binary code then this would have been a great choice to use on the CFUS forums. Of course your argument might be "If the internet was based off of vocal tonalities then global history in the last 40 years would have been drastically altered and the chances are that in that reality CFUS or even the internet might not even exist", and I would be all "Hey Star Trek geek, ease off on the time travel and cross-dimensional feedback-loop bullshit and go out and get laid loser."

So to sum this one up, overall The Living Embodiment of Jimmy Stewart's Voice = brilliant idea in another dimensional thingy but not so much here.

And for number five I give you:
The Jizz Sock

The concept is simple. You all have one. You have all used one. The Jizz Sock is the perfect accompaniment to go with the internet. Dell should be including these with the purchase of a Desktop PC. The Jizz Sock is our constant companion on our roadtrip down the internet superhighway. He knows where all the porn is hidden just as well as you do. The Jizz Sock never talks and would never rat you out. Are you into some wierd shit? Then the Jizz Sock is too. The Jizz Sock doesn't judge. All porn is equal in his eye. He's just there to help not to judge. In fact, if you aren't having a good time niether is he. When you aren't home he's just chilling on the floor next to that pizza box waiting for you to come back. The Jizz Sock is never too dirty to do its job, but when it is clean you know that is never really as clean as the normal socks. The Jizz Sock just is.

Overall The Jizz Sock = Yeah, I probably shoulda been The Jizz Sock"
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