Ж.З.Л. Графиня Пембрук - «Леди Универсалис»

Mar 26, 2013 23:58

И вновь пора навёрстывать страницы жизни замечательных людей Елизаветинской Эры...
Сегодня черёд женской биографии. Женской судьбы. Немногословной но замечательной!

Увы, многие пытаются сделать из неё Шекспира...
В частности,
конспирологическеи экзерсисы )

конспирология, лирика, женское, ЖЗЛ, личности

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den_king March 31 2013, 11:11:17 UTC
да вот хотя бы:
The Works of Mary (Sidney) Herbert


The Triumph of Death
Translated out of Italian by the Countess of Pembroke
Not thinking, if a thousand times I took
155 Mine eyes from thee, I many thousands cast
Mine eyes on thee, and still with pitying look!
Whose shine no cloud had ever overcast,
Had I not fear'd in thee those coals to fire
I thought would burn too dangerously fast.
160 But to content thee more ere I retire,
For end of this, I something will thee tell
Perchance agreeable to thy desire:
In all things fully bless'd and pleased well,
Only in this I did myself displease -
165 Born in too base a town for me to dwell.
And much I griev'd that, for thy greater ease
At least, it stood not near thy flow'ry nest;
Else, far enough from whence I did thee please,
So might the heart on which I only rest,
170 Not knowing me, have fit itself elsewhere,
And I less name, less notice, have possess'd.'
'Oh no,' quoth I, 'for me the heav'n's third sphere
To so high love advanc'd by special grace,
Changeless to me, though chang'd thy dwelling were.'
175 'Be as it will, yet my great honour was,
And is as yet,' she said. 'But, thy delight
Makes thee not mark how fast the hours do pass.
See from her golden bed Aurora bright,
To mortal eyes returning sun and day,
180 Breast-high above the ocean, bare to sight.
She, to my sorrow, calls me hence away:
Therefore, thy words in time's short limits bind,
And say in brief, if more thou hast to say.'
'Lady,' quoth I, 'your words most sweetly kind
185 Have easy made whatever erst I bare.
But what is left of you to live behind?
Therefore to know this is my only care:
If slow or swift shall come our meeting day.'
She parting said: 'As my conjectures are,
190 Thou without me long time on earth shalt stay.'


ohonadrr April 1 2013, 08:11:08 UTC
...я тебе уже говорила, что ты чудо? :D


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