i hate that saying shits and giggles its so nasty and vulgar, so of course i had to use it.
i'm updating so much but with my foot re-injured i'm trying to take it easy so i dont do anymore damage seeing as it isnt time for my insurance with sbux yet.
so stormy came in my room yesterday night all excited because today at 4:44 pm it'll be 04/04/04. so she said to make a really big fucking wish. mine goes as follows:
this car
1992 BMW 318i convertible (2door) preferably white or red
a HEELED {hahahahhaha} foot
enough money to go back to massage therapy school and/or a rich kind sensitive HOTT man such as
scabiesbabies /
elianbsm to marry me and take care of me for the rest of my life
a little place to call my own
a louis vuitton watch (IM SORRY!!!!@$#%!@^$#)
&world peace. [insert rofl here]