Your Winter

Jan 10, 2006 18:02

So I realize I havent updated in nearly forever, and I also realize that most of my entries begin with this same line. I just dont have time to do this and even when I do I dont feel like.

Chemistry is pretty much - no scratch that- THE worst class Ive ever taken. (Besides Housing and Home Decor)Not only am I doing horribly, my teacher doesnt like me and people in that class are just.....aahhhh. But of course I have Alyssa. And we are sticking it out together. only 9 mine school days....

History is stuuuuuupid. My teacher is like.... imcompetent. He doesnt know anything besides whats written in the book and even then he cant remember.

Health is wonderful as always. we are starting to talk about our spring convention that I am sooo excited for. Courtney better be my convention buddy!

English. BLAHHH.

So tonight I have dance. Tap. Which is definetly my favorite. Dance....I dont know... Ive been in this phase where Im doubting everything that Im doing right now. School, dance...especially dance... I wont even get started. I love dance and its just that lately I dont. Which really scares me beyond belief.

Im really excited to go dress shopping for prom. I mean obviously its a long ways away... but the dress is pretty much the best part. my aunt is coming home from FL in 2 weeks so Im defintely going shopping with her and mom. Is there some sort of prom date store ??

The grey ceiling on the earth
Well it's lasted for a while
Take my thoughts for what they're worth
I've been acting like a child
In your opinion, and what is that?
It's just a different point of view

The old picture on the shelf
Well it's been there for a while
A frozen image of ourselves
We are acting like a child
Innocent and in a trance
A dance that lasted for a while
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