I said no to that job offer.Shit got too real man. But im confident i will find more oppurtunities!!i make my own luck. My heart said i want to go home, so im gonna follow eet c:
im coming home in a MONTH! EEEEEEEEEP!!<3 This means imma see my X....also im gonna hang out with actor boy i like...and me and my bestie will probably gonna get in alotta shenanigans.Also gotta find a job. Plus I wonder how me and moms relationship will be. Gonna smoke weed and skate with my little brother and my little homies<3 Yay! I wonder how bubba is doing....(mah lil broski) i will smoke ALL the weed!eat ALL the food! Green Crack & Western Bacon from Carls Jr!!Mmmmm...
Anyways ive been gone for a WHILE. I wonder how much has changed or didnt...
i cant wait to lay on my bed !! *happy dance*
also i relate to this rage comic so much!!
http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltp71wbVGW1qdwzmt.png P.S. i hope u guys are happy and if youre not, i promise things will get better soon!!
good night, dream big<3
xoxo kisses