Adventures in timekilling! Featuring Shirley and MarKus

Jul 24, 2011 02:05

[[For a while, MarKus sat in the cockpit of the Technica. It wasn't just coming down from what he saw as a very EPIC fight where he was totally awesome, and blew open the chest of a Percolatis; but he needed people to go away so he could climb out of the machine and get changed.

Okay, really, he wasn't as awesome as he would brag, but, he got the job done, and he didn't wreck the Technica either.

For the most part, he was spying through the monitor, waiting for everyone to get away before he left the cockpit finally. The chest opens up, revealing the seat where MarKus sat. He was in there, helmet off. Carefully, he peeks out, looking for anyone nearby.

Nobody? Good. As he slips out of the cockpit, he sighs, not quite used to how hot this outfit of his was. But for security's sake, he kept the helmet on, long hair hanging out underneath.

He hadn't planned out this situation, being picked up by a ship to help fight off other enemies and get him back down planetside. First, he'd have to get his things out of the storage compartment located in the back side of the mech; no place for his things jumping around in the driver's seat.

Having gotten around back there and opening it up, it was getting too damn hot under the helmet, so he took it off, setting it atop one of the boxes he kept his things in; this one particularly part of his collection of Kamen Rider memorabilia.]]
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