IDF Story Challenge "Just Another Day in Paradise..." (3/3)

Jul 18, 2009 01:25

Title: Just Another day in Paradise… (3/3)

Fandom: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Pairing: Sarah/Cameron
Disclaimer: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and all associated characters are not mine...though since Fox abandoned them, rightfully they should be up for grabs. 
Summary: This is my contribution to the International day of Femslash’s “A Day in the Life” story challenge. That would make this a day in the life of Sarah and Cameron, set in season 2, though an astute watcher of the show will notice that I took a few liberties such as more or less ignoring the events of episode 3 “The Mousetrap,” keeping John and Cameron in school, and one other thing… but I’ll let you all see that for yourselves *G*. 
AN: Big thank you goes out to Revolos55 for being my Beta on this one and rescuing me from my evil addiction to ellipses, also Inspector Boxer deserves a huzzah for her spontaneous offer to read through this, and give me some much needed feedback. Enjoy!

Standing in the shadowed doorway to the kitchen, John wasn’t sure he’d ever seen anything quite so funny as the scene unfolding in front of him. Cameron, having returned from her game of hide-and-seek with the police, was perched on the edge of the table staring down intensely at an increasingly-nervous Charley, who, to his credit, was trying to remove the many bullets she’d collected on the way home while causing as little tissue damage as possible.

That was amusing enough, but the scene was taken up a few notches by the fact that the terminator was almost completely nude, and a few of those bullets were in some pretty interesting places. Charley was trying very hard not to look at or touch any part of Cameron  that he didn’t have to, which made for an odd little dance seeing as how he more or less had to touch and look at everything.

Even better, John’s mother was watching the proceedings with a death grip on her coffee mug and an expression that wavered between frankly speculative when she thought no one was looking and murderously possessive whenever Charley’s hands strayed anywhere questionable.

Caught between two equally fierce female forces, the poor EMT was beginning to crack. When he paused for the thirteenth time to wipe the sweat off of his face and clench his shaking hands, John took pity on him and stepped out into the room.

“Hey Mom, Derek wants to go back to the school and pick up his truck and Casey’s car. He needs a couple extra drivers…”

“John!” Sarah and Charley snapped in unison, and his Mom came around the table and took hold of his shoulders to physically turn him around and away from the sight of the nearly naked Cameron.

“Oh come on!” John scoffed. “It’s not like she doesn’t walk around in her underwear all the time anyway. She doesn’t care!”

“That’s not the point.” Sarah cuffed him lightly upside the head and pushed him inexorably out of the kitchen.

“She’s your sister!” Charley scolded, halting abruptly when he realized what he’d just said. “Sort of…” he amended.

John snorted, but he let his mother usher him away, calling back over his shoulder. “Let’s not go into the reasons why her being my sister would seriously up the weird factor.”

“John Connor!” Sarah gave him a final shove towards the front door. “That’s just about enough out of you!” But there was a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth when she said it, and John grinned back. Somehow having someone else be freaked out about his mom and Cameron made the whole thing kind of hilarious. Maybe it was that misery loves company thing.

“So are you coming?” John asked when he was sure he had himself under control.

“Yeah,” Sarah sighed, “I’d like to get Casey’s car back before she’s over here asking questions.” Keeping a hand against Johns chest she leaned back to let Charley know they were going.

After a second the EMT stuck his head around the doorway. “Are you seriously leaving me alone with her?” He whispered, gesturing towards Cameron with a thumb.

Sarah smirked and John couldn’t remember that last time he’d seen his mother so playfully malicious. “You’re a big boy.” She teased. “I think you can handle it.”


Twilight was descending rapidly, cloaking the world in darkening greys and stealing the shadows, when they got back with the three vehicles. Derek parked the ambulance in the garage, closing the door on it to avoid undue questions. Cromartie’s body was already in the shed, waiting for its final send off.

Sarah took Casey’s car over to the neighbour’s, pulling into the driveway and parking it behind Trevor’s ATV. Trevor…Shit. Sarah let her forehead fall onto the steering wheel. The Barbeque… Casey was expecting them in… she looked at her watch… about thirty minutes.

Damn, damn, damn. For a moment Sarah considering cancelling. They certainly had every reason to. It had been a really long day, both she and Cameron were banged up, and there was a dead body in their shed. It really wasn’t the time for chips and hamburgers. But the same strange impulse that had goaded her to sit down and spill her proverbial guts to Casey this morning made her want to damn the consequences and just try to have a normal night out with friends.

Well, not normal, but then, she kind of sucked at normal. Sarah snorted wryly to herself.  Maybe it was time she accepted that ‘normal’ wasn’t something that was ever going to be part of her life and just admitted that she kind of liked the crazy mess they were living in…so long as they were all in one piece at the end of the day.

Acknowledging ruefully that she was quite likely just as insane as they’d accused her of being in the mental hospital; Sarah locked the car and crossed the street to round her odd little family up for a barbeque.


“What exactly am I doing here?” Charley asked, sidling up to John and indicating the general gathering in Casey’s back yard with a tilt of his paper plate.

“Eating hamburgers?” John replied with a grin.

“You know what I mean.” Charley remonstrated with a sidelong look.

John sighed, resigning himself to one more in-depth conversation then he really wanted to have after spending the better part of the day stuck in the school cafeteria while almost everyone he knew was putting themselves in danger on his behalf. “You’re here because she asked you to come.” He answered honestly.

Charley winced, rubbing the back of his neck and glancing over to where his wife Michelle was being charmed by a waddling Casey as the pregnant woman showed her the gardens by porch-light. “That’s not really a comforting reason.”

“No.” John agreed. “It’s just the truth…and the truth is rarely comforting.” Case in point, he watched Cameron and Trevor talk shop over the cop’s 9mm Beretta while Sarah looked on indulgently. Derek had opted out of the evening, arguing that Trevor was too likely to recognize him, and his mother had reluctantly agreed.

“You’ve got that right.” Charley followed John’s gaze, his eyes a little wild. “How the hell did that happen anyway? I mean, I was worried about you forgetting that thing was a machine…”

John laughed quietly. “She was too actually. Sometimes I think she got so caught up in making sure I didn’t fall prey to my teenage hormones that her own kind of snuck up on her.” He shrugged. “It used to bother me… I mean, we’ve never actually talked about it, but it wasn’t hard to notice that something was up with them, and eventually I had to ask, and Mom told me the truth…and that was the end of it.”

“So you don’t know how it started?” Curiosity and morbid fascination warred in Charley’s voice.

“Nope.” John confirmed, eating a chip. “I figure it’s none of my business.”

“And you’re okay with it now? Your mother and…Cameron.”

“I guess so…” John thought about it, realizing that he couldn’t remember when awkwardness over what was going on behind closed doors had transmuted into awkwardness over the fact that they were all pretending it wasn’t happening. “I mean…she’s happy. At least, as happy as I’ve ever seen her, so I’d be kind of an ass if I wanted to take that away.”

Charley nodded and John could see the wheels turning in his head as he realized the full import of what he’d said. Happier than when she’d been with him. John felt a little guilty for dropping that particular bomb but he couldn’t let the guy keep hanging on when he had a wife who didn’t deserve to see her husband still mooning over a woman he’d been engaged to eight years ago. It was also the truth.

Yeah, Sarah had been happy with Charley… but she hadn’t really been herself. Those six months had been a fairy tale interlude in their lives. Half a year where they’d both pretended they could have something like that. And that’s what it had been… pretend. Admittedly her relationship with Cameron was a little fucked up, no one could deny that, but John had the feeling it was real, and once he’d gotten past the initial squeamishness slash jealousy, he had to admit that he was kind of glad about it.

“So you’re telling me to get over it.” Charley sounded resigned and John clapped him on the shoulder with a grin.

“Yup.” Pointing his Styrofoam cup at Cameron in high heeled boots, her favourite purple leather jacket over a spaghetti strapped tank top and skin tight jeans, he couldn’t resist teasing Charley a little. “I mean honestly, if you had that in your bed would you really care what was going on under her skin?”

Charley opened his mouth but he couldn’t frame a denial and John snickered. “Let it go man. They’ve made their choice, and we can be jerks about it, but it’s not going to get us anywhere.”


Casey couldn’t remember the last time she’d had such a nice evening. Michelle and Charley Dixon were a really sweet couple, and even Trevor seemed to be having a good time. He hadn’t expected to find an avid gun enthusiast in the teenaged Cameron, and the two of them branched out from Beretta’s to medieval siege weapons without seeming to notice.

Sarah spent a good part of the night on the edge of their conversation, and Casey wasn’t sure if she was hovering to keep an eye on Cameron, or just trying to make sure that her daughter wasn’t boring Trevor to death. At least the two of them seemed to have patched up their fight from this morning, and after an hour or so Sarah seemed to relax and with a pat on Cameron’s shoulder, she left them to their weapons and wandered off to talk to Charley.

Casey took advantage of Sarah’s retreat to steal Cameron for some ‘girl talk’ as she put it to Trevor. He acquiesced good-naturedly enough, promising Cameron that he’d have to have her over to see his collection some time. The girl looked a little doubtful at that and Casey hastened to reassure her as she pulled her away, rolling her eyes at Trevor.

“Relax; he’s not trying to get into your pants…he actually just wants to show you his guns. He’s weird that way.”

Cameron nodded slowly. “Thank you for explaining. I find Trevor very interesting, but I am not attracted to him.”

“Good.” Casey replied, a little quickly. “I mean…” She stumbled a little. “That is, we’re not married or anything but…”

“I understand.” Cameron brought Casey to a halt with a hand on her shoulder.

“Do you?” Casey asked, “Because sometimes I don’t even understand it…it’s kind of complicated.” She finished lamely.

“Relationships are complicated.” Cameron agreed sagely.

“Yeah…” Feeling a little winded Casey sat down on one of the cement benches scattered around her lawn. “Speaking of which, how are things with your mom? Did you two manage to figure things out?”

Cameron tensed and Casey saw her hands clench against the denim of her jeans.

“Sorry…” She apologized hastily, reaching up to take one of the teenager’s hands in her own. “I didn’t mean to pry… I sort of bushwhacked your mom into telling me about your fight this morning. She seemed, you know, kind of down. I just wanted to help. I’m nosey like that.”

“No.” Cameron replied slowly, her face falling. “We haven’t figured it out…yet.”

Cursing her bluntness, Casey pulled on Cameron’s hand, urging her down to sit on the bench, and after a moment of resistance, the girl complied, perching stiffly beside the older woman. Casey wrapped an arm around those narrow shoulders and squeezed.

“It’ll be okay kiddo.”

Cameron blinked, turning her head questioningly, her brown eyes brimming with something Casey couldn’t put her finger on. “How do you know?”

Sighing for her lost youth, Casey pulled the girl a little closer. “Because,” she replied reassuringly. “She loves you… and when you love someone, you can always find a way to work things out.”


Despite good food and pleasant, if slightly awkward, company, Sarah was restless. She wandered aimlessly around the gathering, stopping to talk to Charley and Michelle for a few minutes before moving on again. Charley’s wife was clearly a little uncomfortable herself, but she was bearing up under it well. Sarah hadn’t realized the other woman was part of the deal when she’d hesitantly invited Charley to the dinner, but she found herself surprisingly glad to meet her.

The only person Sarah hadn’t talked to tonight was Cameron, although she’d shadowed the girl for a large part of the evening, and kept her in the corner of her eye even when they were at opposite ends of the yard. It didn’t take brilliant deductive reasoning to understand what the source of her restlessness was, but Sarah couldn’t quite figure out how to close the distance that had risen up between them when she’d stepped away from Cameron in the gym.

So she just watched, strangely jealous of Trevor and Casey’s ignorance and their easy interaction with the girl they saw as her daughter. Cameron was doing her very best slightly awkward teenager routine this evening, and Sarah couldn’t decide whether to applaud the girl’s performance or curse it. The charade was necessary, but it was frustrating to be forced to remain at arms length when she could practically feel the real Cameron pulling farther away from her with every fake smile.

With that in mind, Sarah waited tensely for any indication that Cameron shared her discomfiture. She had almost given up when she finally saw Cameron leave Casey sitting alone on a bench in the garden. The girl paused on the edge of the grass and raised brown eyes unerringly to meet Sarah’s own across the yard. It lasted a second no more, but in that single glance there was no artifice, only the barest hint of a question.

Her breath catching, Sarah nodded fractionally and when Cameron left the back yard, moving off into the shadows around the side of the house, she waited only as long as she thought absolutely necessary before following.


The front porch was dark. With all the lights blazing in the back, no one had though to turn the front ones on, but that didn’t bother Cameron. Navigating easily with nothing more than the stars and moon for illumination, she sat down on the top step and waited for Sarah.

She didn’t have to wait long. No more than a few minutes after she’d settled herself, Cameron heard hesitant footsteps on the porch behind her. She smiled faintly but didn’t turn around. The terminator had analyzed her feelings and come to the realization that she wasn’t finished being angry yet. It was new, this desire to hang on to something so unconstructive, but her research had indicated that it was not an uncommon human practice, so she accepted it.

Sarah came to stop directly behind Cameron and stayed there for a moment, shifting her weight uncomfortably from foot to foot. Clearly she hadn’t expected quite this level of indifference and Cameron found she was taking some small amount of pleasure in her lover’s discomfiture. She labelled this new emotion ‘pettiness’ and resolved to enjoy it.

Finally Sarah seemed to realize that she wasn’t going to get a written invitation, and took a little initiative, settling herself down behind Cameron with the terminator trapped between her thighs, and draped her arms around the girls waist, pulling her back and against her chest.

Cameron initially resisted, something told her that she should be making Sarah work a little harder than this, but the human’s warmth against her back, and the way the other woman tucked her chin into Cameron’s shoulder and nuzzled her neck, completely undid the terminator and she found herself relaxing against her will.

Sensing compliance, Sarah draped herself more completely around the girl, sliding her hands up and under Cameron’s leather jacket and tank top to lightly stroke the soft skin above her jeans. She smirked against the neck under her lips as Cameron brought her arms up to rest over Sarah’s own, completing the embrace.

They held that position, listening to the rise and fall of conversation from the backyard and the rush of the occasional car from the highway a few blocks away. Cameron felt the last of her anger melt away just as Sarah finally spoke.

“I’m sorry…” She whispered softly, running a gentle thumb over the stitches holding one of Cameron’s many bullet holes closed.

“The damage is minimal.”

“Not about that.” Sarah clarified, pulling Cameron a little closer, if such a thing was possible. “I’m sorry about this morning…I…shouldn’t have said what I did.”

“Why did you?” Cameron traced her hand down Sarah’s arm and pulled one of the other woman’s hands away from her stomach so that she could play with her fingers.

Sarah made a soft sound of approval, pressing a small kiss just under Cameron’s ear before answering.

“I think I was afraid.” She admitted carefully.

Cameron thought about this for a moment, wondering what could frighten Sarah Connor. “Casey says you love me…” She ventured cautiously.

Sarah choked on a laugh that was half amused and half hysterical. “She thinks you’re my daughter.”

“I know.” Cameron replied seriously.

Sarah fell silent and the terminator wondered if she’d gone a little too far, asked for too much. She was certain of it when the other woman suddenly pulled away from her and stood up. But Sarah didn’t let go of her hand, and when she responded to the insistent tug and got to her own feet, she looked up to see a small, secretive grin on her lovers face.

“Come on girlie,” Sarah whispered. “I want to show you something.”

They couldn’t leave right away. First there were goodbyes to get through, and then Casey needed to hug everyone, including Cameron, which was a strange experience for the terminator and she hugged the woman back very gingerly around her protruding stomach.

Sarah and John offered to help clean up, but Casey wouldn’t hear of it, and Trevor backed her up, already clearing the food off of the picnic table, and giving the mother of his child lingering glances that assured everyone present that they would be happy enough doing it together.

Michelle and Charley took their leave a little stiffly, but there was real affection in the handclasp and half-hug that Charley exchanged with John. Michelle and Sarah nodded civilly to one another, and then they were gone.

Walking back across the road to their house with John, Cameron was surprised when Sarah took her hand again. She glanced meaningfully over at the boy, but the other woman just shook her head and laced their fingers more tightly together. Apparently Sarah was finished pretending.

They went in the front door together, walking through to the living room and there was a moment’s awkwardness when John turned to look at them, taking in their joined hands and Sarah’s resolute expression.

But it was only a moment. Seeming to have come to some conclusion of his own, John grinned and wrapped an arm around his mother, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“I’m going to bed.” He smirked knowingly as he pulled away. “Don’t you two crazy girls stay up all night.” Expecting the swat from his mother he evaded it deftly and headed upstairs with a smug laugh.

They waited while his footsteps faded up the wooden staircase and down the hall. When Sarah heard his door shut she turned back to Cameron, that strange little smile on her mouth again. “Where were we?”

“You wanted to show me something…” Cameron answered readily, a hint of anticipation in her voice.

“Right.” Reaching out to click the light off with her free hand on the way past, Sarah led the terminator upstairs.

Cameron was puzzled when they didn’t stop at Sarah’s room, it seemed logical that whatever the other woman wanted to show her, it would be in there, but Sarah walked by without a glance, only to tug Cameron to a halt outside of the metal girl’s own door.

“In here?” She asked hesitantly, her eyes searching Sara’s face for some clue as to what she should expect.

“In there.” Sarah confirmed, reaching past the girl to turn the knob and push the door open, before turning on the light and drawing Cameron into the room.

Her bedroom was pristine as usual; everything neatly in its place… except for one thing. Resting in the middle of her bed was an empty dresser drawer. A brief analysis confirmed Cameron’s guess that it was in fact one of Sarah’s, and she stepped forward hesitantly to run her fingers around the wooden edge.

“I didn’t know what you’d want to put in it.” Sarah drawled from the doorway. “So I thought I’d let you take care of that part.”

Reluctantly pulling her hand away from the drawer, Cameron turned around, her expression still strangely guarded. “Does this mean that we are in a relationship?”

She tried to keep how much Sarah’s answer would mean to her out of her eyes and voice. Before this morning Cameron had not fully understood emotional pain, but she was learning quickly that it was far worse than anything her physical pain receptors could relate to her, and for some odd reason she felt compelled to conceal the depth of her feelings.

It was a doomed effort Cameron realized as soon as she raised her eyes to Sarah’s and saw everything she felt reflected in that brilliant green stare.

“Something like that…” Sarah managed before she closed the distance between them and caught Cameron up in a fierce embrace that belayed the ambiguity of her response.

Everything that had happened that day, all the anger, worry, stress and pain, evaporated in the instant that Sarah’s lips captured hers and Cameron returned the kiss without hesitation, backing the shorter woman up until she was pressed firmly against the wall.

“Good surprise?” Sarah gasped when Cameron’s mouth pulled away to trail kisses down her jaw and neck.

“Tight.” Cameron answered with a smirk, her brown eyes gleaming as she took hold of the hem of Sarah’s shirt and began to pull it up.

“Wait, Cameron…” Sarah pushed gently on the terminator’s shoulders until she backed up a step. “Not that I’m objecting…” She hissed as the metal girls hands slid up and over her ribs. “I’m really not objecting, but before we start taking our clothes off, we should maybe go back to my room.”

“Why?” Cameron was reluctant to take her hands off of Sarah, even long enough to change rooms and she pressed back against the woman’s protest to nip at the space between her neck and shoulder while she used those hands to unfasten Sarah’s bra.

“Jesus Cam!” Sarah swore, feeling her resistance crumbling, but a glance over the terminators shoulder hardened her resolve and she took hold of Cameron’s wrists, and pulled them back down and out from under her shirt. “Double bed Tin Miss.” She managed with a tilt of her head at the girl’s own narrow twin.

“Oh.” Cameron suddenly realized what Sarah was getting at. “That wouldn’t be very comfortable.”


“But we’ve had sex standing up before…” Cameron argued, taking a hold of Sarah’s waistband pointedly.

Sarah groaned. “Girlie, there’s a big difference between a quickie and make up sex…so would you please stop arguing so that we can go and have some?”

Cameron briefly consulted her databanks for information on make up sex. What she found there brought her to the conclusion that Sarah was right. They would need a larger bed.

“Thank you for explaining.” She quipped, and ceased trying to undermine Sarah’s attempts to pause their activities long enough for them to sneak back through the hallway, past John’s door and into Sarah’s room.

“You’re welcome.” Sarah breathed as she kicked the door closed behind them and pulled Cameron back into her arms. Slipping the purple jacket off over her shoulders, she kissed the metal girl slowly and languorously.

Cameron responded readily to the slower pace, abandoning her earlier intentions to strip Sarah off as quickly as possible, and instead twining her wrists around her lover’s neck and pressing as closely up against her as she could.

They kissed as if it was their last chance to do so, exploring each others lips and mouths, biting gently at the sensitive skin and then soothing it with lingering flicks of their tongues.

Cameron shut down all nonessential functions, slowing her processing speed down to human equivalent so that she could fully experience every touch and taste of Sarah’s mouth on hers.

When kissing was no longer enough, Cameron brought her hands back down to Sarah’s waist, running her nails lightly over the other woman’s skin and revelling in the faint shiver under her fingers. Gripping a little more firmly, she brought their hips into closer contact and deepened their kiss, winning a muffled moan from her lover.

Sarah pulled her mouth away to breathe, panting hotly against Cameron’s neck. “I think it’s time for you to undress me now…” She whispered huskily.

Cameron didn’t waste time forming an answer. Quickly skimming her hands up Sarah’s sides she pushed the tank top up and pulled it off in a single smooth motion. The bra, already unclasped, followed it to the floor a heartbeat later.

Lowering her hands Cameron made swift work of the button and zipper on Sarah’s pants, sliding them down over her hips as she nudged the other woman closer to the bed.

Sarah gave way willingly, backing up and stepping out of her jeans as she came up against the side of the bed. Cameron’s hands on her shoulders urged her down and she submitted, kissing her way down the terminators neck and chest and pulling Cameron closer until the girl was standing between her knees.

When she had her where she wanted her, Sarah let her hands run down from Cameron’s back, lingering briefly at the waistband of her jeans before continuing over her ass and down her legs. The skin tight material hid very little from her fingertips and when she smoothed her way back up she pressed her thumbs to the insides of the terminator’s thighs, pulling away just before she reached their joining and teasing a small shiver out of the girl.

In no rush, Sarah toyed with the hem of Cameron’s shirt, pushing it up just far enough to lean forward and press her lips to the bared skin. She paid particular attention to the scattered bullet wounds, kissing them tenderly as she moved higher up the girl’s midriff until her fingers found the curved edges of Cameron’s bra.

Trembling in earnest now, Cameron clutched at Sarah’s shoulders, her fingers kneading the flexing muscles as she fought to stay still under the other woman’s ministrations. Slowly, so slowly that she had to bite her lip to keep herself from begging Sarah to hurry, Cameron felt soft hands unhook her bra and slide underneath, brushing far too softly over her breasts.

Gasping, Cameron tangled her hands in Sarah’s hair and tilted her head back so that she could look down into that hooded green gaze. “Sometimes you seem inefficient.” She managed, arching her back and pressing more firmly against Sarah’s hands to illustrate of her point.

Sarah laughed softly and pulled her fingers away, teasing the terminator. “What, you don’t like this?” She whispered with a smirk, continuing her feather light exploration of Cameron’s torso.

“No.” Cameron almost whined, digging her fingers into Sarah’s neck.

“So what are you going to do about it girlie?” The question was whispered into her skin as Sarah bent her head to nip gently at her side.

Belatedly realizing that she was being provoked, Cameron enthusiastically discarded her passive roll, responding to the challenge in Sarah’s voice by wrapping her hands around the other woman’s waist and half lifting, half pushing her back and down onto the bed. Straddling Sarah’s hips, Cameron transferred her grip to her lover’s wrists and pressed them down against the pillows as she leaned forward for a blistering kiss.

Sarah answered the change of pace eagerly, rocking her hips up against Cameron’s and whimpering softly against the terminator’s mouth.

Not willing to lose the upper hand now that she had it, Cameron drew Sarah’s arms further up the bed and pressed them together so that she could secure both wrists with one hand. Then she took her revenge, tracing the fingers of her free hand over Sarah’s neck, breasts and stomach so lightly that she barely grazed the surface, leaving shivers and gooseflesh in her wake.

“Not...fair…” Sarah breathed, unable to stop herself from arching towards that touch, only to have it dart away from her. Sweat broke out on her skin and Cameron could taste the salty sweetness of it as her lips followed the path traced by her fingers until Sarah was shuddering underneath her.

“So what are you going to do about it?” Cameron echoed, sitting up and releasing her grip on Sarah’s wrists.

“I’m going to take you apart.” Sarah growled, lunging up and all but tackling the terminator.

Within seconds Cameron’s shirt was off, followed quickly by her bra, and she was flat on her back with a far more eager to please Sarah on top of her. They grappled playfully, somehow discarding both Cameron’s jeans and their underwear in the process of wrestling for dominance. The terminator being very careful not to damage her lover as they were rolling across the bed.

Because they both knew it worked better that way, Cameron ended up back on the bottom and their laughter faded quickly into moans and whispers as they got down to business.

With her body pressed firmly down on top of Cameron’s, Sarah framed the girls face with her hands and kissed the terminator hungrily. The slick coating of sweat between them made it easy for her to slide her leg over Cameron’s and she rocked forward, applying pressure to the girl’s center even as she pushed herself against a smooth hipbone

Cameron gasped at the contact, sliding her hands down to grip Sarah’s hips and pulling her closer.

Pleased, Sarah dropped her head, giving up Cameron’s lips to kiss her way down over the girl’s neck and shoulder and rounding her back so that she could pass her tongue over a delicately erect nipple while she used her fingers to toy deftly with the other one.

Cameron arched, hooking a leg over Sarah’s back, and transferring her hands to the woman’s shoulders so that she could urge her downwards.

Sarah knew exactly what the terminator wanted and she complied readily enough, submitting to the girls urging and slipping her fingers gently inside of her, even as she lowered her mouth to envelope that warm wetness.

Cameron shuddered as Sarah’s lips and tongue moved over her, and she pushed her hips up to meet the steady gliding of the other woman’s fingers. As the pressure built, she clenched her fists in the sheets beside her, not wanting to risk injuring Sarah when she climaxed.

The moment, when it came, was sweeter by far than any they had previously shared, and Cameron could feel tears prickling in the corners of her eyes as she whispered her lover’s name and pulled Sarah up for a trembling kiss.

She hadn’t realized it would matter, the acknowledgement of their relationship. But it did, and Cameron knew it would never be the same again between them, because for the first time they were coming together without pretending that it was something less than what it was. She hugged the other woman close to her, wrapping her arms around her waist and nuzzling into her neck.

“Don’t get too comfortable girlie…” Sarah whispered into her ear, cupping the back of the girls head with a gentleness that contradicted the teasing threat in her voice. “You’re not quite done yet.”

Cameron’s reply was distinctly nonverbal, and it was several minutes before either of them could talk again.

When they were both finally sated, they lay tangled together in the sheets, Sarah still half on top of Cameron, her head tucked under the terminator’s chin and their legs entwined.

When she’d caught her breath, Sarah craned her neck back to kiss Cameron softly on the jaw. “One of us needs to set the alarm.” She whispered resignedly.

“I will do it.” Cameron pulled away to reach over the side of the bed, earning a sleepy protest from the dislodged Sarah, and retrieved the much-abused clock. She plugged it back in and reset the time, consulting her internal time keeping programs for accuracy.

“Set it an hour early.” Sarah instructed, looping an arm over Cameron’s side and dragging herself up to squint over the terminator’s shoulder at the glowing timepiece.

“But you will be tired.” Cameron warned, hesitating.

“I’ll take a nap while you’re at school.” She responded, remembering their conversation from this morning with a smile.

“What about Skynet?” The terminator asked with mock seriousness as she set the time as directed and lay down, pulling Sarah back into place on her shoulder.

“Fuck Skynet.” Sarah murmured, her eyes already closing as she snuggled deeper into the terminator’s arms.

“I’d much rather f-“

“Don’t even say it!” Sarah interrupted, rousing to clamp a hand over Cameron’s mouth. “If I ever find the bastard responsible for your sense of humour I’m going to kill him!” She threatened, her grip turning into a caress as she traced Cameron’s lips with weary fingers before stretching her arm back over the girl’s waist.

“Sarah?” Cameron asked softly after a moment.

“Mmmhmm?” Came the muffled reply.

“You could get more sleep if we showered together tomorrow. It would be more efficient…”

Sarah snorted softly. “No…it really wouldn’t.”

Cameron thought about that for a minute, her eyes widening as she followed Sarah’s train of thought. “Can we do it anyway?” she asked quickly.

“That was the whole point of giving you a drawer, remember?” Sarah drawled, yawning.

“Oh… right.” Satisfied, Cameron fell silent, listening contentedly to her lover’s breathing as it slowed and Sarah slipped gently into sleep.

There was still a great deal that had gone unsaid between them, and Cameron was beginning to realize that most of it was going to have to remain that way for now…Sarah wasn’t going to come easily or quietly, but she could wait. Patience was something that terminators did very well.

The End

terminator: the sarah connor chronicles, writing

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