Right, so... TP is coming to a close, kind of happy about it, because finishing a story always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Because we finally followed through with something, yea!!! Three more chapters left, to two more chapters left. It depends on how Tristan decides to act up. Either one more chapter, and then epilogue, or two more chapters and epilogue... Epilogue is probably going to be shorter than anything else, and probably could be considered it's own chapter, except it's shorter...
But I don't know, it all depends on how the next chapter plays out and how far everything goes with it. Mwahaha!!! I'm loving the start of it... So yeah, now, dilemma (spelled correctly this time) is what to write after TP...
1) totally rip apart Fiery, and take in
cdnsma 's amazing suggestions. No cest.
2) start on Parasites, which Meggy created a kickass banner for. It's not horribly AU. Big cest.
3) start out huge AU idea that took shape ever since National Geographic accidentally delivered their magazine to our door. Cest (kind of sort of) but not actual brothers.But yet, there are. o_O It's complicated. :P
But object one, complete TP. Then Fiery, Parasites (huge and three parts 20-30 chapters each is the expectation. Insane, and I don't know how I'll live working on only that), and then AU, which I think we called Mind Games... Hehe, title pending. Maybe Parasites and Mind Games (title pending) will be worked on at the same time. Or Parastes pt.1a then Mind Games pt 1. Parasites pt.1 b + pt. 2a Mind Games fin. Parasites fin.... Lol, who knows...
~Reena, feeling good today. :D <33333