Didnt go to school yesterday cause I hadda big papaer due, that definately wasnt done!So today had MEAPS.Didnt go...lol...Slept in at Chishees...And went to Pankow 4th 5th n 6th...well 4th n 5th n then just left with Chishee n came "home".My mom is a total bitch.She wont let me move in until Im 17...which is dumb because I am basically gonna live here in the summer, and when summer is over,its my birthday!So she is a dumb whore.Stupid bitch.So yea I watched The Incredibles yesterday...and today...lol.It was great.Its so cute.Well Im gonna go now!
StiiLL NeeD a CaR...HELP!
<3 FaNtAzii MaMii aKa ChiiShEeS BoO