Mommy == Satan

May 21, 2010 14:38

Yes, my life revolves around my baby. Sorry.

Unfortunately, right now Kael seems to hate me. He's been preferring Geoff to the point where often if he's in Geoff's arms and I walk up to take him, he'll burrow his face in Geoff's neck and start to cry. Sometimes he'll even slap me.

It's incredibly demoralizing. I don't know if it's because of weaning (I'm down to just morning feedings, and that's only because I'm too sentimental to quit yet), or if it's that Geoff winds up doing more things with Kael now that I don't have breastfeeding to offset his tasks (he still handles most diaper changes, dresses him in the morning while I'm in the shower, and puts him to bed). Or maybe it's just a phase. I'm trying to take on more Kael tasks, in part to see if that fixes things, and in part because it's only fair to Geoff, but it's hard. When I get such a negative response most of the time I try to interact with him, it makes me depressed and reluctant to subject myself to that again. There's also the childish voice that says "So you don't like me now? Fine, I won't interact with you ever, then you'll be sorry!" (i.e., make myself a scarce resource so he's excited when he does get me). But a) that's childish, b) that's not fair to Geoff, and c) that might not even work. And d) it would make me sad :-(

The only times Kael seems to cling to me anymore is when we drop him off at daycare. Which means I get to look like the jerk who's abandoning him :-/

This is a somewhat recent development, and I'm probably overreacting; but it's hard not to when your child wants so little to do with you.

On top of that, I just don't feel like I'm getting enough time with Kael anymore. He's started going to bed between 8 and 9, instead of 10 or 11 with us. We don't get home until 6, so that's just not that much time with Kael. Also, while the crib in a separate room has been great in allowing him to sleep through the night, I also miss cuddling with him. At least it's the weekend. I'm sure by Sunday I'll be glad to be sending him back to daycare ;-)


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