(no subject)

Jun 23, 2005 01:25

Today... i went to the zoo with nick and his cousins and mom.
haha it was fun.
then i went home and sam came over. then sam had to go and nick came over.
then my mom drove nick home around 1 and me and my mom were driving home and seen this house like in flames and smoke smothering the sky. i felt so bad
:( we could see the fire almost a mile away. it was amazing. it was really cool looking. hopefully no1 was hurt. that would suck. plus the house was like.. new... and that sucks worse.

i love my friends .. :)
sams my bffnene and i lvoe her a million sweedish fish. because we sing songs on the trampoline to the next door neighbor. " ****** doesnt know that we through cookies in his yardd!!! and he doesnt no you spit in his yard!! " lmao you have to be there. PS>>> i officaly can't bounce on trampolines. i suck. me and sam beat eachother with an inflatable bat. yea, i bet you wish you could have an inflatable bat and do that with your bff :D
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