Sep 25, 2004 01:01
Tonight was the best night of my life.
This morning during the pep-rally that Doug and I didn't have to attend, we went to get our liscences renewed at the DMV.
After a long drive there, we arrived and it turns out that I needed a TEA form. We listened to "American Hearts" though, so it was alright.
At Taco Bell, Alexys and I had the most amazing high-five. It made our hands hurt for twenty minutes and when it happened the crack definately made me lose hearing for a short time.
After Taco Bell, we went to McDonald's and the whole group had a spitwad skirmish.
At around 5:30, Alexys messages me, (because I can't feel my phone) and I come to Wayne's house. I meet them at Wayne's and, Marc, Alexys, Wayne, and I get in Alexys' car and drive to Chipotle.
After that, we went to Grapevine Mills and went to the dollar store. We also visited the nostalgia store place.
Virgin was the next stop. Thing got intense from there-on in. At Virgin we all went to play Playstation 2. Unfortunately, there were some kids playing the game that we would have been playing.
Waiting patiently like the adults we are, we played Xbox to pass the time. We made sure to make comments like "I call the next game," and "I'm player one," to hint at them to stop.
Then Marc paced back and forth behind them with his mouth open really close to them and one of them said it was rude.
Fuck them.
I started to play some football game and eventually the kids stopped playing after THIRTY MINUTES. I would occasionally yell "Oh! He bringin' 'da heat!" all of the people near us turned around.
Fifteen-or-so minutes into my game this black guy walks up.
We start talking about football and the game, and I said "I'm not going to be like the kids that played when someone else wanted to, here sir, you can play."
He then took over.
He would change his stance to a more intense one when neccesary. He then started to say stuff like "Rice never misses," and he would proceed to throw to Rice and miss.
Then he would be like "What?! Rice missed!" it was funny. He was really cool. I wished him good luck in his game and we departed.
We then went to Tom Thumb and had a "Rap Party" sing-a-long. At Tom Thumb we met Thomas, Fitz, Alex, and Trey. We all chipped in and got Doug a cake.
We left Tom Thumb and went to Steak N Sheak. With icing Thomas purchased, he wrote "Hey, you're part of it, Doug!" on the cake.
Everyone walked into Steak N Sheak and we sat down at our table. When Doug brough us our water we counted each glass like Count von Count. More spitwads were shot. Schock called me and came to Steak N Shake and then Doug got his break and sat down.
We sang Doug happy birthday, Doug blew out his candles and everyone ate cake. It tasted good. HAPPY EARLY EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY, DOUG. I then came up with the most amazing idea that Team Crunk will follow through with:
During a passing period at school, we are bringing a pole and possibly a boombox and are having a limbo contest. The point is to unify the school and to get people we don't know to join in. It will be amazing and definately talked about after it is done.
If I put my outgoing-ness towards the school, I would be the "Spirit Supreme," a name I have come up with to identify who has the most school spirit.
It's no contest, I would win.
Anyway, at Steak N Shake, we started talking about another plan we had. We were going to make Count von Count masks and get the thrown-away donuts from Tom Thumb.
I then drew a comic depicting the act. Then we talked about how great a soldier Wayne would be. I then drew a picture of that.
To summarize it, Wayne was standing on a pile of corpses saluting the American flag he was holding, which also happened to be waving in the air. In the background was Bruce Springstein playing "Born in the USA," and he had his hands in his pockets.
Then there was the Sun with Wayne's mirror-glasses, with his back turned, looking at Wayne.
After we left Steak N Shake we went behind it to the parking lot, Schock left us to get food and go home. We played Jackpot and talked until I had the amazing idea of Kick-the-Can. We proceeded to play that for a short time and it was really fun.
Then Alex took Trey home because he had a water polo game in the morning. While she was gone we got a cart, like the ones at Home Depot made for carrying large boards. We played and raced on that until we turned it into our pirate ship.
I even provided accompanying dramatic music. We rode it for quite some time until Alex came back. Then we had another idea.
We all piled on the cart and Wayne, Alexys, and I, pushed the cart bobsled-style and rode it to the drive through. We then went through the drive through, with me shouting orders in my Captain voice, to Raymond, ordering seven waters.
We had cars infront and behind us. When Raymond gave us our waters Doug saw us and we made a toast to Raymond. Then three motorcycles left Steak N Shake and some incredibly loud Chevelle did a burn out and left with them. I orgasmed.
We then went back to the parking lot and I proceeded to throw my water at Alexys, Marc and Alexys threw theirs in retaliation.
There was only one option. We climbed into Alexys' car and went through the drive through a second time with Wayne and Marc sitting in the trunk, Alexys driving with Fitz hanging out his window, Thomas on the hood, Alex standing through the sunroof and me sitting on the other door through the window.
Doug saw us again. Then we circled Steak N Shake and everyone saw us. It was grand.
A limbo contest then took place back in our stronghold, otherwise known as the parking lot behind Steak N Shake. I won the limbo contest with Marc, my limbo enemy, finishing in second. Wayne won the "special award" for trying his hardest.
Then I swung on the pole pretending to be on Legends of the Hidden Temple. I would say we were in the parking lot behind the shopping center for and hour and a half, if not more. Thomas and Fitz left after that, due to ACT's in the morning, and the rest of us proceeded to go to Quick Trip.
The night finished shortly after and it was one that I will never forget.