Aug 13, 2004 13:13
last night was one of the craziest storms of my life. it felt worse than a hurricane. at aroungd 9pm the sky got pitch black and i could see lightning for miles. well around 10pm my flight chief said that there was 6 or 7 jets that need to be tied down so i was the only one to go out to do that and i get to the last jet on the line and my expoditer tells me to go inside cause the sand is coming. well i was on my way in and the wind was like 75+ mph and covers were flying off of the jets so i had to catch them and some specs had to push my box in and i didnt know it so i thought that my tool box rolled away. and when i got to the building i looked back and the jets were gone, everything was brown. it was weird but cool at the same time. well the sand calmed down and all the sudden it down poured for about 1 1/2 hours. i felt like a little kid in the rain. it felt good the finally feel the rain again. its felt like years but it felt so damn good.
well also last night i went home and wanted a beer well the worst thing in the world happened, my beer was stolen. well i called my suite mate and he told me that he took it and was getting drunk with some 26 yr old asian chick who is a local. well i was a little pissed off. so my one buddy told me to get some fat tire it gets u fucked up quick and tastes good. well i drank 2 and thought i was goin to puke cause it tasted like a fuckin tire. i felt nothin and it tasted horrible. so im out $15 and i have no good beer. well i got paid today cause the 15th is on a sunday so i may go see the big trees in california and drink a beer of 12 while im there. iight catch ya later