Still In G-ville. Thank Jesus they have a computer now!!! (Sigh) I love the net.

Jun 22, 2005 23:42

Father's Day: Gave dad his gifts (including a real light saber) then off to my cousins to go out on my his boat. It was so much fun! I felt like a girl in a Bond flick (of course without the sex and bikinis). After boating we hung out with my cousins John and Alicia where we had an Axe fight. Needless to say my hair still feels quite funky right about now. God I love hyper highs with my cousins.

I need a guy. Not a real guy; a fling. Actually I'm going on a triple date with my sister and her guy and my cousin and her guy. The only problem with that is I have no clue who I'm going with. I have choices, but they're all no no's:
1) My Alicia's crush (though she's in denial about it) who's interested but I'm not.
2) Tamara's fiance's brother who wants me but he's 23 (must I say more?).
3) The guy I'd give anything for is John's friend. He's so cute and has that wholesome thing I love, but he's 19. (been down the 19 year old lane as you all know, that doesn't work for me). Besides, if he ever touched me my cousin would rip his dick off. I'd probably get to attached anyway :(

Other than that I've been hanging out with my sis and her two friends Tamara and Jessica. Ooo, and satisfying my body with my recent addictions, such as:
Julian Mcmahon
Sherbert (that's not to new)
"Yes, Dear"
And of course the new Coldplay album "X and Y"

So now I think I'll leave you with a little taste of my new drugs...

I <3 Coldplay

Mmmmm, Julian Mcmahon, tastey!!! I can’t wait to see him play Dr. Doom in “The Fantasic Four”. I love it when he’s evil :)

P.S. I'm sorry Boony and Kimmy, this fucking computer won't let me e-mail anyone, but I love you guys and miss all of you back in Sarasota!!!
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