Permissions post

Jan 14, 2011 13:41

CHARACTER NAME: Taroku "Blade"Toyaka
CHARACTER SERIES: Original Character

This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired.

Backtagging: Yes
Fourthwalling:If you can swing that more power to ya
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'll tell you if you're skeeving me out.

This is the permissions list for IC (in-character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired. With IC permissions, it's a good idea to elaborate on what other players can expect from your character if they choose to do any of the following:

Hugging this character: Sure
Kissing this character: Sure, he'll be surprised/disturbed if you're a guy though
Flirting with this character: Ditto
Fighting with this character: Sure why not
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Mildly go ahead severely, IM me
Killing this character: For the time being, no 
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: IM me

Warnings:  He comes from a  highly dysfunctional family and has a lot of issues.

Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme!
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