the dome home

Nov 07, 2011 10:31

i am officially moved in. :)
i woke with a sore throat that plagued me through the day. none-the-less i am very happy.
something in the realm of 20 people came to help out. i am truly grateful to have such supportive friends. shawn and thistle brought cedar and pheonix and having delightful little kids to goof off with made the whole thing even more joyful.
the cats stayed in the spare bedroom most of the day getting used to strange smells and sounds.
selkie_b and davebooth brought fireworks and we set them off in the driveway. victoria made a marvelous cake, jenny spoiled me by painting my toenails for me, and kearn kirkwood put paper numbers all over my celing, making it truly look like the inside of a die.
my friends rule!

in any case, i promised

this is the side street. it was too pretty not to take a picture of.

here is the dome from the outside

laundry room/back door

basement picture 1

basement picture 2

kitchen entrance/top of stairs/dining area

living area on main floor

in my kitchen. extra geek cred if you recognize this for what it is. :)

main shot of kitchen

bedroom on main floor - this is now my room.

loft pic 1

loft pic 2

house, friends

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